« Forms Catalogue

Land Registry Forms

Land Registry forms are Crown copyright and are reproduced with the permission of HM Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO

Form Description  
ACD Application for approval of a standard form of charge deed and allocation of official HM Land Registry reference
ACDX Application for approval of a standard form of charge deed and allocation of official HM Land Registry reference - Word Version
AC1 Application for registration in farmer's name (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC2 Application for registration in name of an Agricultural Society (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC3 Application for cancellation of an entry in the register on proof of discharge (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC4 Application for a certificate that a registration has been cancelled (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC5 Application for a certified copy of the memorandum filed in the Register of Agricultural Charges under the Act (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC6 Application for an official search (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC7 Application for the rectification of an entry in the register (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
ADD Application for approval of a deed of variation/priority/postponement of a charge.
ADDX Application for approval of a deed of variation/priority/postponement of a charge - Word Version
ADV1 Application for registration of a person in adverse possession under Schedule 6 to the Land Registration Act 2002
ADV1X Application for registration of a person in adverse possession under Schedule 6 to the Land Registration Act 2002 - Word Version
ADV2 Application to be registered as a person to be notified of an application for adverse possession
ADV2X Application to be registered as a person to be notified of an application for adverse possession - Word Version
AN1 Application to enter an agreed notice
AN1X Application to enter an agreed notice - Word Version
AP1 Application to change the register
AP1X Application to change the register - Word Version
AS1 Assent of whole of registered title(s) by personal representative(s)
AS1X Assent of whole of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) - Word Version
AS2 Assent of charge by personal representative(s)
AS2X Assent of charge by personal representative(s) - Word Version
AS3 Assent of part of registered title(s) by personal representative(s)
AS3X Assent of part of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) - Word Version
CC Entry of a note of consolidation of charges
CCD Application to cancel a caution against dealings
CCDX Application to cancel a caution against dealings - Word Version
CCT Application to cancel a caution against first registration
CCTX Application to cancel a caution against first registration - Word Version
CCX Entry of a note of consolidation of charges - Word Version
CH1 Legal charge of a registered estate
CH1X Legal charge of a registered estate - Word Version
CH2 Application to enter an obligation to make further advances
CH2X Application to enter an obligation to make further advances - Word Version
CH3 Application to note agreed maximum amount of security
CH3X Application to note agreed maximum amount of security - Word Version
CIT Application in connection with court proceedings, insolvency and tax liability
CITX Application in connection with court proceedings, insolvency and tax liability - Word Version
CM1 Application to register a freehold estate in commonhold land
CM2 Application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
CM3 Application for the registration of an amended commonhold community statement and/or altered articles of association
CM4 Application to add land to a commonhold registration
CM5 Application for the termination of a commonhold registration
CM6 Application for the registration of a successor commonhold association
CNG Change of gender
CN1 Application to cancel a notice (other than a unilateral notice)
CN1X Application to cancel a notice (other than a unilateral notice) - Word Version
COE Notification of change of extent of a commonhold unit over which there is a registered charge
COG1 Updating registered owners' contact address
CON1 Consent to the registration of land as commonhold land
CON2 Consent to an application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
COV Application for registration with unit-holders
CS Continuation sheet for use with application and disposition forms (Land Registry forms only)
CT1 Caution against first registration
CT1X Caution against first registration - Word Version
DB Application to determine the exact line of a boundary
DBX Application to determine the exact line of a boundary - Word Version
DI Disclosable overriding interests
DIX Disclosable overriding interests - Word Version
DJP Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor
DJPX Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor - Word Version
DL-BB List of documents
DL List of documents
DS1 Cancellation of entries relating to a registered charge
DS1X Cancellation of entries relating to a registered charge - Word version
DS2 Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge
DS2E Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge
DS3 Release of part of the land from a registered charge
DS3X Release of part of the land from a registered charge - Word Version
eAP1 - Panel 13.1 (Panel 13.1 only) - PDF
eAP1 - Summary Report Summary of eAP1 submission to HM Land Registry
eAP1 Guidance Notes Guide to completing and submitting of online AP1 Application to change the register
eAP1 Application to change the register (online submission only)
eAP1RequisitionsGuide eAP1 - Requisitions Guide
EX1 Application for the registrar to designate a document as an exempt information document
EX1A Reasons for exemption in support of an application to designate a document as an exempt information document
EX2 Application for official copy of an exempt information document
EX3 Application to remove the designation of a document as an exempt information document
FR1 Certificate Certificate to accompany an application for first registration (Form FR1) where lodging certified copies of deeds and documents.
FR1 Application for first registration
FR1X Application for first registration - Word Version
HC1 Application for copies of historical edition(s) of the register/title plan held in electronic form
HC1X Application for copies of historical edition(s) of the register/title plan held in electronic form - Word Version
HR1 Application for registration of a notice of home rights
HR1X Application for registration of a notice of home rights - Word Version
HR2 Application for renewal of registration in respect of home rights
HR2X Application for renewal of registration in respect of home rights - Word Version
HR3 Application by mortgagee for official search in respect of home rights
HR3X Application by mortgagee for official search in respect of home rights - Word Version
HR4 Cancellation of a home rights notice
HR4X Cancellation of a home rights notice - Word Version
ID1 Certificate of identity for a private individual
ID2 Certificate of identity for a body corporate
ID3 Certificate of Identity for a Private Individual
ID5 Certificate to be given by a conveyancer where a person's identity has been verified by way of an online video call
JO Trust information for joint owners
JOX Trust information for joint owners - Word Version
K1 Application for registration of a Land Charge (Land Charges Act 1972)
K2 Application for registration of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K3 Application for registration of a Pending Action (Land Charges Act 1972)
K4 Application for registration of a Writ or Order (Land Charges Act 1972)
K6 Application for registration of a Priority Notice (Land Charges Act 1972)
K7 Application for the renewal of a registration (Land Charges Act 1972)
K8 Application for the renewal of a registration of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K9 Application for the rectification of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
K10 Continuation of an application (Land Charges Act 1972)
K11(ADJ) Application to cancel a pending action entry in the Land Charges Register
K11 Application to cancel an entry in the Land Charges Register (other than class F) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K12 Application for cancellation of an entry in the Register under special directions of The Registrar (Land Charges Act 1972)
K13 Application for a cancellation of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K15 Application for an official search (Not applicable to registered land) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K16 Application for an Official Search (Bankruptcy only) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K19 Application for an Office Copy of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
K20 Application for a certificate of the cancellation of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
NAP Notice to the registrar in respect of an adverse possession application
OC1 Application for official copies of register/plan or certificate in Form CI
OC1X Application for official copies of register/plan or certificate in Form CI - Word Version
OC2 Application for official copies of documents only
OS1 Application by purchaser for official search with priority of the whole of the land in registered title or a pending first registration application
OS1X Application by purchaser for official search with priority of the whole of the land in registered title or a pending first registration application - Word Version
OS2 Application by purchaser for official search with priority of part of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application
OS2X Application by purchaser for official search with priority of part of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application - Word Version
OS3 Application for official search without priority of the land in a registered title
OS3X Application for official search without priority of the land in a registered title - Word Version
PIC Application for a personal inspection under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002
PICX Application for a personal inspection under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002 - Word Version
Plan 1 Paper plan sent by post or DX to HM Land Registry to accompany an online application to change the register - eAP1 (online submissions only)
PN1 Application for search in the index of proprietors' names
PN1ID IOPN search - Evidence of identity (Index of proprietors' names)
PN1X Application for search in the index of proprietors' names - Word Version
PRD1 Request for the production of documents
PRD1X Request for the production of documents - Word Version
PSD1 Certificate of Title to a House (For use on a conveyance of the freehold)
PSD2 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on the grant of a lease where the landlord owns the freehold)
PSD3 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on the grant of a lease where the landlord does not own the freehold)
PSD13 Certificate of Title to a House (For use on a conveyance of the freehold to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy)
PSD14 Certificate of Title to a Flat (For use on a grant of a lease to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy where the landlord owns the freehold)
PSD15 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on a grant of a lease to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy where the landlord does not own the freehold).
PSD17 Certificate of Title on disposal of Housing Land or Buildings
PSD101 Application by a Private Sector Landlord or a connected company in respect of a Preserved Right to Buy
PSD103 Certificate by a Private Sector Landlord that land is not subject to any Rights of a Qualifying Person in respect of a Preserved Right to Buy
RQ(Co) Request for a restriction by a company
RQ(Co)X Request for a restriction by a company - Word Version
RQ Request for a restriction by owner(s) not living at the property
RQX Request for a restriction by owner(s) not living at the property - Word Version
RXC Restriction - Consent or Certificate
RX1 Application to enter a restriction
RX1X Application to enter a restriction - Word Version
RX2 Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified
RX2X Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified - Word Version
RX3 Application to cancel a restriction
RX3X Application to cancel a restriction - Word Version
RX4 Application to withdraw a restriction
RX4X Application to withdraw a restriction - Word Version
SC Application for noting the overriding priority of a statutory charge
SCX Application for noting the overriding priority of a statutory charge - Word Version
SEV Application to enter a Form A restriction on severance of joint tenancy by agreement or notice
SEVX Application to enter a Form A restriction on severance of joint tenancy by agreement or notice - Word Version
SIF Application for an official search of the index of relating franchises and manors
SIFX Application for an official search of the index of relating franchises and manors - Word Version
SIM Application for an official search of the index map
SIMX Application for an official search of the index map - Word Version
SR1 Notice of surrender of development right(s)
ST1 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration based upon adverse possession
ST1X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration based upon adverse possession - Word Version
ST2 Statement of truth in support of an application based upon adverse possession of a rentcharge
ST2X Statement of truth in support of an application based upon adverse possession of a rentcharge - Word Version
ST3 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration of land based upon lost or destroyed title deeds
ST3X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration of land based upon lost or destroyed title deeds - Word Version
ST4 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration and/or noting of a prescriptive easement
ST4X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration and/or noting of a prescriptive easement - Word Version
ST5 Statement of truth in support of an application to cancel a Form A restriction
ST5X Statement of truth in support of an application to cancel a Form A restriction - Word Version
TP1 Transfer of part of registered title(s)
TP1X Transfer of part of registered title(s) - Word Version
TP2 Transfer of part of registered title(s) under power of sale
TP2X Transfer of part of registered title(s) under power of sale - Word Version
TR1 Transfer of whole of registered title(s)
TR1X Transfer of whole of registered title(s) - Word Version
TR2 Transfer of whole of registered title(s) under power of sale
TR2X Transfer of whole of registered title(s) under power of sale - Word Version
TR4 Transfer of a charge or portfolio of charges
TR4X Transfer of a charge or portfolio of charges - Word Version
TR5 Transfer of portfolio of titles (whole or part)
TR5X Transfer of portfolio of titles (whole or part) - Word Version
UN1 Application to enter a unilateral notice
UN1X Application to enter a unilateral notice - Word Version
UN2 Application to remove a unilateral notice
UN2X Application to remove a unilateral notice - Word Version
UN3 Application to be registered as beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice
UN3X Application to be registered as beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice - Word Version
UN4 Application for the cancellation of a unilateral notice by a person who is (or entitled to be) the registered proprietor
UN4X Application for the cancellation of a unilateral notice by a person who is (or entitled to be) the registered proprietor - Word Version
UT1 Application for upgrading of title
UT1X Application for upgrading of title - Word Version
WCT Application to withdraw a caution
WCTX Application to withdraw a caution - Word Version

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