About us

We are a bunch of enthusiastic Legal Forms folk who have come together to solve problems with regard to legal technology. Our company name is Cockerel Software Ltd trading as SDLT.co.uk and as FormEvo.co.uk. As an organisational structure we are a matrix - or donut, even. There is no concept of hierarchy. We are all the boss in our specialty area and we are all the tea boy or girl when it comes to who's least busy and fills the kettle.

There is of course the jam in the middle of the donut and he is known as Archie Courage, he sticks everybody together and is often found wearing a red sweater. If you want to speak to the jam call 0330 551 9341 and ask to speak with Archie.

Alongside side the key management team is Paul Clyde, ex-Managing Director of Oyez forms whom has joined recently as Sales Director. Paul previously headed up the Sales team at Laserforms and Lexis Smartforms. A serious wealth of Legal Forms market knowledge makes onboarding with FormEvo easy when working out the best value for money options for your firm with Paul.

Talking of Oyez Forms, we also have Gary Hamilton the ex-Oyez Support Manager heading up support, and managing the Forms library content.

Further ex-Oyez staff appointments will be revealed in due course

Archie is the founding director of Cockerel Software Ltd who produce the well-known Stamp Duty Land Tax software called SDLT.co.uk. It was the first and is the biggest third-party vendor offering e-submission of SDLT forms. 99.2% of the time the SDLT users get the certificates they are after the first time they ask for it. That's what you get with twenty two years' worth of experience in Legal admin.

digital by default

HMRC, HMLR, MoJ, CPS, Companies House and every other provider of forms are all moving towards a Digital By Default policy and this is why FormEvo is an essential application for your firm.

Our experience and credibility with SDLT eSubmissions means if we release an e-submittable form, it will work. If something goes wrong, you won't get passed from pillar to post - you will speak directly with the people responsible for sorting it. We believe in a full customer service ethos and we encourage and value our customers' input in the future of our law based products.

But it's not only your input that we value. The legal forms market with its close tie-ins to the Law Society is massively inefficient and expensive.

The sole goal of FormEvo is to re-adjust the legal forms market by way of pushing two key buttons.

Cost and Efficiency.

By using FormEvo on a PAYG (Pay As You Go) basis and charging the fee to your client as a disbursement, FormEvo is FREE to use, for you and your firm.

Or you can use FormEvo as PPUM (Pay Per active User per Month) please get in touch for pricing. In effect the more users that are ACTIVE in the month the per user fee reduces. Either way its affordable and moves with the inevitable ups and downs of your Law business. 

And the efficiency gains you'll make by not having to deal with forms salespeople, worrying about when your auto-renewal contract is going to catch you out again! dealing with software installations and updates etc means that you come out ahead of the game.

And that's what we want - satisfied customers who know that FormEvo enhances their workflow, and isn't a line item in their office cost that they dread dealing with year upon year.

Instead you can access your legal forms for FREE, from anywhere, any time, and however you want. That means from the office, the client's home, your home (admit it, it happens sometimes), the train, from that patio table on your sunny holidays with your iPad. FormEvo is always there, ready when you are.

Save yourself money and hassle and be ready for the future with FormEvo.

That's what we are about.

Call us on 0330 551 9341 for further details or sign up now.

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