« Forms Catalogue


Form Description  
EX160 Application for help with fees - Electronic signature available
EX160B Undertaking to apply for remission of a court fee or tribunal fee, or to pay a court fee or tribunal fee - Emergency applications only
N2 Claim form (probate claim)
N2A Notes for claimant on completing a claim form (Probate claim)
N2B Notes for the defendant (Probate claim)
N3 Acknowledgment of service (probate claim)
N205D Notice of issue (probate claim)
PA1A Probate Application - Where the person who has died did not leave a will that deals with assets in England and Wales
PA1P Probate Application - Where the person who has died left a will
PA1S Postal search of the Probate records of England and Wales
PA2 How to obtain probate - guidance for people acting without a Solicitor or Probate practitioner
PA3 Probate Fees
PA4SOT Where to send your Probate Application Forms
PA7A Application to withdraw a Will and/or Codicil from safe keeping
PA8 Stopping an Application for Probate - How to enter a caveat
PA8A Application to enter a caveat on a grant of representation
PA8B Application to extend a caveat on a grant of representation
PA11 Power of Attorney (Will)
PA12 Power of Attorney (Intestate)
PA13 Lost Will Questionnaire
PA14 Medical Certificate
PA15 Renunciation (Will)
PA16 Renunciation (Intestate - without a will)
PA17 Renunciation (with a Will - Partner/director/member/shareholder in a firm)
PA18 Pre-lodgement enquiry
Probate 33 Caveat (Form 3)
Probate 34 Warning to Caveator (Form 4)
Probate 35 Appearance to warning (Form 5)
Probate 37 Appearance to citation (Form 5)
Probate 38 Notice to Non-Proving Executor PRO33
PR50 Client questionnaire for making a will.
PR51 Personal Assets Log
PR52 Questionnaire For Personal Representative Clients
PR53 Death Certificate Verification Form - DCV

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