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Welcome to and happy to announce Xpress Legal Searches have achieved Platinum Partner status

3rd February 2021

Xpress Legal Searches as a 'Platinum Partner' to FormEvo the leading independent legal forms provider is happy to announce that Xpress Legal Searches are the first and only 'Platinum Partner'.

Managing Director of FormEvo Archie Courage describes a Platinum Partner as 'one that integrates seamlessly with both SDLT.co.uk and FormEvo.co.uk, has taken a proactive training approach towards its client base, who in turn can have confidence in knowing that integrated data flow is providing them with efficiency and effectiveness. What is more, is that both partners are Cyber Essentials Plus accredited providing further confidence that the firm's cloud-based client-centric data and its partnership with Xpress is safe'  

Call us on 0330 551 9341 for further details or sign up now.

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