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eAP1.co.uk powered by FormEvo with HM Land Registry - an eAP1 Overview

25th May 2022

Following the recent HM Land Registry 'Showcase of eAP1 solutions' here is the recording to view of how SDLT and LTT prepopulate eAP1 at the touch of a button. Then eSubmits the eAP1 and supporting documents.

Click here for the Utube Video of the 25minute session
Click here for the PDF of an eAP1 Overview

More than just digitising AP1 forms. The unique SDLT/LTT inbuilt Title Number Check (TNC) and Proprietor Name Check (PNC) is shown which gives you the busy conveyancer the all valuable 'Zero name discrepancy' value.

Why is that so important? well, because surfacing HM Land Registry eAP1 issues, before submitting the SDLT/LTT means that the pain of retrospective HM Revenue & Customes/ Welsh Revenue Authority amendments to SDLT 5 or LTT 5 certificates is avoided.  Avoiding the 16 week turn around at HMRC of issuing new certificates is all-important to the HMLR 8-week priority period allowance of course!

Call us on 0330 551 9341 for further details or sign up now.

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