« Forms Catalogue

Form Description  
50(FS)(2011) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2011)
50(FS)(2012) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2012)
50(FS)(2013) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2013)
50(FS)(2014) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2014)
50(FS)(2015) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2015)
50(FS)(2016) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2016)
50(FS)(2017) Trust gains and capital payments (Year ended 5 April 2017)
600 (Scot) Notice of appointment of liquidator. Voluntary winding up (Member or Creditors) (Pursuant to section 109 of the Insolvency Act 1986) (Scotland only)
600 Continuation Page Liquidator details continuation page Form 600 - Notice of appointment of liquidator in a members' or creditors' voluntary winding-up (England and Wales)
600 Notice of appointment of liquidator in a members' or creditors' voluntary winding-up (England and Wales)
600a Notice of appointment of liquidator voluntary winding up (Members or Creditors) for insertion in the Gazette
64_8 Authorising your agent
980(1) Notice to non-assenting shareholders (Pursuant to section 980(1) of the Companies Act 2006)
980dec Statutory declaration relating to a notice to non-assenting shareholders (Pursuant to section 980(4) of the Companies Act 2006)
984 Notice to non-assenting shareholders (Pursuant to section 984(3) of the Companies Act 2006)
AAG4(IHT) Disclosure of avoidance scheme (Notification of scheme reference number by a user of notifiable arrangements)
AAG4(SDLT) Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes - Form AAG4(SDLT)
AAG5 Disclosure of Avoidance Scheme (Continuation Sheet)
AA01 Change of accounting reference date (Section 392)
AA02 Dormant company accounts (DCA) (Section 441)
AA06 Statement of guarantee by a parent undertaking of a subsidiary company (Sections 349A, 448A and 479A)
Account Setup Check Account Setup Process Form
ACD Application for approval of a standard form of charge deed and allocation of official HM Land Registry reference
ACDX Application for approval of a standard form of charge deed and allocation of official HM Land Registry reference - Word Version
AC1 Application for registration in farmer's name (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC2 Application for registration in name of an Agricultural Society (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC3 Application for cancellation of an entry in the register on proof of discharge (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC4 Application for a certificate that a registration has been cancelled (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC5 Application for a certified copy of the memorandum filed in the Register of Agricultural Charges under the Act (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC6 Application for an official search (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
AC7 Application for the rectification of an entry in the register (Agricultural Credits Act 1928)
ADD Application for approval of a deed of variation/priority/postponement of a charge.
ADDX Application for approval of a deed of variation/priority/postponement of a charge - Word Version
ADF Attorney Declaration Form - Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Electronic Power of Attorney
ADM1 Claim form (Admiralty claim in rem) - electronic signature available
ADM1A Claim form (Admiralty claim) - electronic signature available
ADM1C Notes for defendant on replying to an admiralty claim form
ADM2 Acknowledgment of service (Admiralty claim) - electronic signature available
ADM3 Collision statement of case - electronic signature available
ADM4 Application and undertaking for arrest and custody - electronic signature available
ADM5 Declaration in support of application for warrant of arrest
ADM6 Notice to Consular Officer of intention to apply for warrant of arrest - electronic signature available
ADM7 Request for caution against arrest
ADM9 Warrant of Arrest - electronic signature available
ADM10 Standard Directions to the Admiralty Marshal
ADM11 Request for caution against release
ADM12 Request and undertaking for release - electronic signature available
ADM12A Request for withdrawal of caution against release - electronic signature available
ADM13 Application for judgment in default of filing an acknowledgment of service and/or defence or collision statement of case
ADM14 Order for sale of a ship
ADM15 Claim form (Admiralty limitation claim) - electronic signature available
ADM15B (Bilingual) Nodiadau I'r diffynnydd (hawliad cyfyngu'r Morlys) / Notes for defendant (admiralty limitation claim)
ADM15B Notes for defendant (admiralty limitation claim)
ADM16 Notice of admission of right of claimant to limit liability - electronic signature available
ADM16A Defence to admiralty limitation claim - electronic signature available
ADM17 Application for restricted limitation decree
ADM17A Application for general limitation decree
ADM18 Restricted limitation decree
ADM19 General limitation decree
ADM20 Defendant's claim in a limitation claim - electronic signature available
ADM21 Declaration as to inability of a defendant to file and serve statement of case under a decree of limitation
ADV1 Application for registration of a person in adverse possession under Schedule 6 to the Land Registration Act 2002
ADV1X Application for registration of a person in adverse possession under Schedule 6 to the Land Registration Act 2002 - Word Version
ADV2 Application to be registered as a person to be notified of an application for adverse possession
ADV2X Application to be registered as a person to be notified of an application for adverse possession - Word Version
AD01 Change of registered office address (Section 87)
AD01c Newid cyfeiriad y swyddfa gofrestredig (Adran 87)/Change of registered office address (Section 87)
AD02 Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL)
AD03 Change of location of the company records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL)
AD04 Change of location of the company records to the registered office
AD05 Supplementary guidance Supplementary guidance - AD05 Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales or a Welsh company (Section 88)
AD05 Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales company or a Welsh company (Section 88)
AD06 Notice of opening of overseas branch register (Section 130)
AD07 Notice of discontinuance of overseas branch register (Section 135)
AF(S) Application for Registration (Scotland)
Affidavit-FamilyLaw Affidavit - Family law and child support proceedings
AF1(A) Claim for Advocate Graduated Fees AF1(A)
AF1(B) Claim for Advocate Graduated Fees
AF1 Claim for Advocate Graduated Fees
AF2 Advocate graduated fee redetermination form
Alex test form 1
Alex test 2
AM01 Continuation Page Additional Administrator continuation page - AM01 Notice of administrator’s appointment (Rule 3.27)
AM01(Scot) Notice of Administrator’s Appointment
AM01(Scot)(Cont) Notice of Administrator’s Appointment - Continuation page
AM01 Notice of administrator’s appointment (Rule 3.27)
AM02(Scot) Notice of Statement of Affairs in Administration
AM02 Notice of statement of affairs in administration (Rule 3.32)
AM03(Scot) Notice of Administrator’s Proposals
AM03 Notice of administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.35)
AM04(Scot) Notice of Extension of Time to Deliver Administrator’s Proposals
AM04 Notice of extension of time to deliver administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.37)
AM05(Scot) Notice of Extension of Time to Seek Approval of Administrator’s Proposals
AM05 Notice of extension of time to seek approval of administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.40)
AM06(Scot) Notice of Approval of Administrator’s Proposals
AM06 Notice of approval of administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.38)
AM07(Scot) Notice of Creditors Decision on Administrator’s Proposals
AM07 Notice of creditor’s decision on administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.41)
AM08(Scot) Notice of Revision of Administrator’s Proposals
AM08 Notice of revision of administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.42)
AM09(Scot) Notice of Result of Creditors Decision on Revised Administrator’s Proposals
AM09 Notice of result of creditors’ decision on revised administrator’s proposals (Rule 3.43)
AM10(Scot) Notice of Administrator’s Progress Report
AM10 Notice of administrator’s progress report (Rule 18.6)
AM11(Scot) Notice of Appointment of Replacement or Additional Administrator
AM11 Notice of appointment of replacement or additional administrator(Rule 3.69)
AM12(Scot) Notice of Order Limiting Disclosure of Statement of Affairs or Proposals in Administration
AM12 Notice of Order limiting disclosure of statement of affairs or proposals in administration (Rule 3.45)
AM13(Scot) Notice of Discharge or Variation of Order Limiting Disclosure of Statement of Affairs or Proposals in Administration
AM13 Notice of rescission or amendment of order limiting disclosure of statement of affairs or proposals in administration (Rule 3.47)
AM14(Scot) Notice of an Order to Dispose of Charged Property in Administration
AM14 Notice of an order to dispose of charged property in administration (Rule 3.49)
AM15(Scot) Notice of Resignation of Administrator
AM15 Notice of resignation of administrator (Rule 3.64)
AM16(Scot) Notice of Order Removing Administrator from Office
AM16 Notice of order removing administrator from office (Rule 3.65)
AM17(Scot) Notice of Vacation of Office when Administrator Ceases to be Qualified to Act
AM17 Notice of vacation of office when administrator ceases to be qualified to act (Rule 3.66)
AM18(Scot) Notice of Deceased Administrator
AM18 Notice of deceased administrator (Rule 3.67)
AM19(Scot) Notice of Extension of Period of Administrator
AM19 Notice of extension of period of administration (Rule 3.54)
AM20(Scot) Notice of Automatic End of Administration
AM20 Notice of automatic end of administration (Rule 3.55)
AM21(Scot) Notice of End of Administration
AM21 Notice of end of administration (Rule 3.56)
AM22(Scot) Notice of Move from Administration to Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation
AM22 Notice of move from administration to creditors’ voluntary liquidation (Rule 3.60)
AM23(Scot) Notice of Move from Administration to Dissolution
AM23 Notice of move from administration to dissolution (Rule 3.61(1))
AM24(Scot) Notice of Court Order in Respect of Date of Dissolution
AM24 Notice of court order in respect of date of dissolution (Rule 3.61(1))
AM25(Scot) Notice of Court Ending Administration
AM25 Notice of court order ending administration (Rule 3.59)
Annual Licence Annual Licence Details Form
AN1 Application to enter an agreed notice
AN1X Application to enter an agreed notice - Word Version
AP01 Appointment of director (Section 167 and 167D)
AP1 Application to change the register
AP1X Application to change the register - Word Version
AP02 Appointment of corporate director (Section 167 and 167D)
AP03 Appointment of secretary (Section 276 and 279D)
AP04 Appointment of corporate secretary (Section 276 and 279D)
AP05 Appointment of a manager under Section 47 of the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 or receiver and manager under Section 18 of the Charities Act 1993 nor judicial factor (Scotland) (Section 1154)
AS1 Assent of whole of registered title(s) by personal representative(s)
AS1X Assent of whole of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) - Word Version
AS2 Assent of charge by personal representative(s)
AS2X Assent of charge by personal representative(s) - Word Version
AS3 Assent of part of registered title(s) by personal representative(s)
AS3X Assent of part of registered title(s) by personal representative(s) - Word Version
ATED1 Authorising your agent - Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) and ATED related Capital Gains Tax
ATF1-INDIVIDUAL Request Account Information ATF(1) (Individual(s))
ATF1-ORG Request Account Information ATF(1) (Version 2) (Organisations)
ATF2-INDIVIDUAL Access to Funds ATF(2) Application Form V3 (Individual(s))
ATF2-ORG Access to Funds ATF(2) Application Form V3 (Organisations)
Attachment Sample
Attestation test Attestation test
A4 Application for revocation of an order freeing child for adoption
A5 Application for substitution of one adoption agency for another
A20 Adoption - A guide for family court users
A21 Intercountry Adoption and the 1993 Hague Convention - A guide
A50 Notes Application for a placement order (Form A50). Notes on completing the form.
A50 Application for a placement order (Section 22 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A51 Notes Application for variation of a placement order (Form A51). Notes on completing the form
A51 Application for variation of a placement order (Section 23 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A52 Notes Application for revocation of a placement order (Form 52). Notes on completing the form
A52 Application for revocation of a placement order (Section 24 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A53 Notes Application for a contact order under section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order under section 51A of the Act (Form A53). Notes on completing the form
A53 Application for a contact order (Section 26 Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order for contact or prohibiting contact under section 51A of the Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A54 Notes Application for variation or revocation of a contact order made under section 27(1)(b) or section 51B(1)(c) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Form A54). Notes on completing the form
A54 Application for variation or revocation of a contact order (Section 27(1)(b) or Section 51B(1)(c) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A55 Notes Application for permission to change a child's surname (Form A55). Notes on completing the form
A55 Application for permission to change a child's surname (Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A56 Notes Application for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom (Form A56). Notes on completing the form
A56 Application for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom (Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A57 Notes Application for a recovery order (Form A57). Notes on completing the form
A57 Application for a recovery order (Section 41 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A58 Notes Application for an adoption order (Form A58). Notes on completing the form
A58 Application for an adoption order (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A59 Notes Application for a convention adoption order (Form A59). Notes on completing the form
A59 Application for a convention adoption order (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A60 Notes Application for an adoption order (excluding a convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption (Form A60). Notes on completing the form
A60 Application for an adoption order (excluding a Convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A61 Notes Application for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad (Form A61). Notes on completing the form
A61 Application for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad (Section 84 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A62 Notes Application for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Form A62). Notes on completing the form
A62 Application for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A63 Notes Application for an order to annul a convention adoption or convention adoption order or for an overseas adoption or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid (Form A63). Notes on completing the form
A63 Application for an order to annul a Convention adoption or Convention adoption order or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid (Section 89 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A64 Application to receive information from court records (Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A64A Application to receive information from court records about a parental order (Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A64A Application to receive information from court records about a parental order (Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A65 Confidential information
A100 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with any prospective adopters chosen by the Adoption Agency (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A101 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopter (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A101A Agreement to the making of a parental order in respect of my child (Section 54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008) - electronic signature available
A102 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopter(s) and, if the placement breaks down, with any prospective adopter(s) chosen by the adoption agency (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A103 Advance Consent to Adoption (Section 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A104 Consent to Adoption (The Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A105 Consent to the making of an Order under Section 84 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 - electronic signature available
A106 Withdrawal of Consent (Sections 19 and 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A107 Consent by the child's parent to adoption by their partner (The Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
BANK1 Creditor's Bankruptcy Petition on Failure to Comply with a Statutory Demand for a Liquidated Sum Payable Immediately
BANK2 Creditor’s Bankruptcy Petition on Failure to Comply with a Statutory Demand for a Liquidated Sum Payable at a Future Date
BANK3 Creditor’s Bankruptcy Petition Where Execution or Other Process on a Judgment has been Returned in Whole or Part
BANK4 Bankruptcy Petition for Default in Connection with Voluntary Arrangement
BANK5 Verification of the Petition
BANK6 Debtors Notice of Opposition to Petition
BANK7 Notice of Persons Intending to Appear
BANK8 List of Appearances
BASPI Buyers and Sellers Property Information Form
Bookmarks 1 Bookmarks full description
bug test
Bundled1 test
Bundling Form Add Remove
Bundling Form Add Remove Supplemental
Bundling Form Counter
Bundling Form Counter Supplemental
C(PRA1) Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4(1)(b) Children Act 1989)
C(PRA2) Step-Parent Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4A(1)(a) Children Act 1989)
C(PRA3) Parental Responsibility Agreement (Section 4ZA Children Act 1989 (Acquisition of parental responsibility by second female parent)
Calc Test 1 Calculation example with padded decimals feature
Calculation Sample Examples of calculations and script/formula used
CAPA5C Grant of double probate, de bonis non or following which an earlier grant will become cessate.
CB01 Continuation Page 1 Merging company details continuation page - CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered company
CB01 Continuation Page 2 Details of meetings continuation page - CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered company
CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered company
CB1 Guidance notes on making an application - Children and the family courts
CB2 Guidance notes - Urgent court hearings about child arrangements
CB3 Guidance notes - Serving the forms - Children Act 1989
CB4 A guide for family court users - Special guardianship
CB5 Guidance notes - Applications related to enforcement of a child arrangements order
CB6 A guide to explain some words and expressions used in private children cases
CB7 Guidance for separated parents - Children and the family courts
CC Entry of a note of consolidation of charges
CCD Application to cancel a caution against dealings
CCDX Application to cancel a caution against dealings - Word Version
CCT Application to cancel a caution against first registration
CCTX Application to cancel a caution against first registration - Word Version
CCX Entry of a note of consolidation of charges - Word Version
CC01 Notice of restriction on the company's articles (Section 23)
CC02 Notice of removal of restriction on the company's articles (Section 23)
CC03 Statement of compliance where amendment of articles restricted (Section 24)
CC04 Statement of company's objects (Section 31)
CC05 Change of constitution by enactment (Section 34)
CC06 Change of constitution by order of court or other authority (Section 35)
CFO A Authority to access the Court Funds Office account - electronic signature available
CFO FE1 Request for payment of funeral expenses
CFO IHT1 Request for payment of inheritance tax
CFO L Request for deposit (Court of Protection) - electronic signature available
CFO P Payment request - electronic signature available
CFO PB Payment request (Professional deputies only) - electronic signature available
CFO PG Authority to pay gifts or make charitable donations
CFO R Regular payment request - electronic signature available
CFO SLDG2 Deposit of securities into court
CFO SST1 Sale or transfer of securities
CFO WS Witness statement
CFO 100 Request for deposit
CFO 101 Deposit schedule
CFO 102 Request for deposit (Compulsory Purchase Act 1965)
CFO 103 Request for deposit (Trustee Act 1925 with affidavit or witness statement)
CFO 105 Request for deposit (Rentcharges Act 1977)
CFO 106 Request for deposit (Life Assurance Companies Act 1896) - electronic signature available
CFO 200 Payment schedule
CFO 201 Request for payment out of money in court to satisfy a Part 36 offer
CFO 202 Notice of consent for payment out of monies in court
CFO 205 Request for payment to payee's bank
CFO 207 Request for payment due to creditor
CFO 208 Request for payment due to security holder
CFO 209 Declaration proving representation
CFO 210 Declaration of nearest kin
CFO 211 Transfer of a fund
CFO 212 Request for investment decision
CFO 301 Declaration of change of name - electronic signature available
CFO 320 Management of a child's fund (Pre-Investment hearing) - electronic signature available
CFO 320PB Management of a protected beneficiary's fund (where the award is £10,000 or more but less than £100,000, or where the Court of Protection has directed retention of the fund) (Pre-Investment hearing)
CFO 402 Investment framework for children and protected beneficiaries
CFO 403 Information sheet for litigation friend
CFO 404 Information sheet for deputies
CF1A Counsel claim form (Legal Aid Agency)
CG34 Post-Transaction Valuation Checks for Capital Gains
CheckBoxTest GH Test
CH01 Supplementary guidance Supplementary guidance - CH01 Change of director's details (Section 167 and 167D)
CH01 Change of director's details (Section 167 and 167D)
CH1 Legal charge of a registered estate
CH1X Legal charge of a registered estate - Word Version
CH02 Change of corporate director's details (Section 167 and 167D)
CH2 Application to enter an obligation to make further advances
CH2X Application to enter an obligation to make further advances - Word Version
CH03 Change of secretary's details (Section 276 and 279D)
CH3 Application to note agreed maximum amount of security
CH3X Application to note agreed maximum amount of security - Word Version
CH04 Change of corporate secretary's details (Section 276 and 279D)
CH05 Change of service address for manager appointed under Section 47 of the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 or receiver and manager under Section 18 of the Charities Act 1993 or judicial factor (Scotland) (Section 1154)
CH60 Evidence of identity and declaration in support of an application - electronic signature available
CIC14 Continuation sheet Section B continuation sheet - CIC14 Application to alter the objects of a Community Interest Company
CIC14 Application to alter the objects of a Community Interest Company
CIC34 Continuation sheet Continuation sheet - CIC34 Community Interest Company Report
CIC34 Detailed Community Interest Company Report (Detailed version)
CIC34 Short Community Interest Company Report (Short Version)
CIC36 / CIC37 Continuation sheet Section B continuation sheet - CIC36 and CIC37
CIC36 Declarations on Formation of a Community Interest Company
CIC37 Declarations on Conversion to a Community Interest Company
CIC53 Continuation sheet Asset details continuation sheet - CIC53 Consent to asset transfer other than for full consideration
CIC53 Consent to asset transfer other than for full consideration
CIT Application in connection with court proceedings, insolvency and tax liability
CITX Application in connection with court proceedings, insolvency and tax liability - Word Version
CIV ADMIN1 Preservation or recovery under the statutory charge and request to postpone enforcement
CIV ADMIN2 Change of details
CIV APP3 Application for legal aid in Family Proceedings - Family Help (Higher) and Legal Representation in Family Proceedings
CIV APP6 Emergency application
CIV APP8 Guidance Guidance notes on completing form CIV APP8 - Application for amendment or prior authority in civil cases
CIV APP8 Application for amendment or prior authority in civil cases
CIV APP8A Application for prior authority/change to cost limitation
CIV APP11 Application for withdrawal
CIV CLAIM1 Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases (Including civil application arising out of criminal proceedings)
CIV CLAIM1 (v)HCC Checklist High or Very High Cost Case Claim 1 checklist - for use with CIV CLAIM1 - Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases
CIV CLAIM1 CC1 Checklist Court-assessed Claim 1 checklist - for use with CIV CLAIM1 - Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases
CIV CLAIM1 LC1 Checklist LAA-Judicial Assessed Claim 1 checklist
CIV CLAIM1 LC1(JR) Checklist Legal Aid Agency (LAA) Judicial Review Assessed Claim 1 checklist - for use with CIV CLAIM1 - Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases
CIV CLAIM1A Claim for costs in fixed fee family cases
CIV CLAIM1A CC1a Checklist Court-assessed Claim 1a checklist - for use with CIV CLAIM1A - Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases
CIV CLAIM1A LC1a Checklist Legal Aid Agency (LAA) assessed Claim 1a checklist - for use with CIV CLAIM1A - Claim for assessment of costs or payment of costs following detailed assessment in civil cases
CIV CLAIM2 Report in civil cases - costs met in part or in full by other party
CIV CLAIM2 Checklist C2 - For use with CIV CLAIM2 - other party costs claim (in full or part)
CIV CLAIM5 Claim for Family Graduated Fee (Counsel)
CIV CLAIM5A Claim for Family Advocacy Scheme (Counsel)
CIV ECF2 (INQ) Application for Inquest Exceptional Case Funding
CIV MEANS1 Financial Assessment Form
CIV MEANS2 Financial Assessment Form
CIV MEANS2A Information about your business
CIV MEANS3 Financial Assessment Form
CIV MEANS5 Change in capital
CIV MEANS7 Financial Assessment for Family Mediation
Client Information Form Custom Client Information Form
CMS Test Form CMS Test Form (Integrator)
CM1 Application to register a freehold estate in commonhold land
CM2 Application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
CM3 Application for the registration of an amended commonhold community statement and/or altered articles of association
CM4 Application to add land to a commonhold registration
CM5 Application for the termination of a commonhold registration
CM6 Application for the registration of a successor commonhold association
CNA1 Application form (Company Names Tribunal - Form CNA 1) - electronic signature available
CNA2 Notice of defence (Company Names Tribunal - Form CNA 2) - electronic signature available
CNA3 Notice of giving evidence
CNA4 Request for a hearing to be appointed
CNA5 Request for an extension of time
CNA6 Request for security for costs
CNA7 Appointment or change of agent or contact address
CNG Change of gender
CN1 Application to cancel a notice (other than a unilateral notice)
CN1X Application to cancel a notice (other than a unilateral notice) - Word Version
COE Notification of change of extent of a commonhold unit over which there is a registered charge
COG1 Updating registered owners' contact address
Commonhold 1 Notice of proposed commonhold assessment (Form 1)
Commonhold 10 Notice of transfer of a commonhold unit (Form 10)
Commonhold 11 Notice of transfer of part of a commonhold unit (Form 11)
Commonhold 12 Notice of vesting of a commonhold unit by operation of law (Form 12)
Commonhold 13 Notice to a prospective tenant (Form 13)
Commonhold 14 Notice of grant of a tenancy in a commonhold unit (Form 14)
Commonhold 15 Notice to a prospective assignee (Form 15)
Commonhold 16 Notice of assignment of a tenancy in a commonhold unit (Form 16)
Commonhold 17 Complaint notice against commonhold association (Form 17)
Commonhold 18 Reply to complaint notice against commonhold association (Form 18)
Commonhold 19 Default notice (Form 19)
Commonhold 2 Request for payment of commonhold assessment (Form 2)
Commonhold 20 Reply to default notice (Form 20)
Commonhold 21 Request for action (Form 21)
Commonhold 22 Reply to request for action (Form 22)
Commonhold 23 Complaint notice against unit-holder or tenant (Form 23)
Commonhold 24 Reply to complaint notice against unit-holder or tenant (Form 24)
Commonhold 3 Request for payment of emergency commonhold assessment (Form 3)
Commonhold 4 Notice of proposed reserve fund levy (Form 4)
Commonhold 5 Request for payment of reserve fund levy (Form 5)
Commonhold 6 Notice to tenant of diversion of rent (Form 6)
Commonhold 7 Notice to sub-tenant of diversion of rent (Form 7)
Commonhold 8 Notice requesting further details about a tenancy (Form 8)
Commonhold 9 Commonhold unit information certificate (Form 9)
Company Details with Script (March 2014 Edition) Field Template form which includes common field used on forms - includes script for Postcode fields and currency mask examples
COMP1 Winding-Up Petition
COMP2 Verification of the Petition
COMP3 Certificate of Compliance
COMP4 Notice of Persons Intending to Appear
COMP5 List of Appearances
COMP6 Contributory's Winding-Up Petition
COMP7 Office-holder's Winding-Up Petition
COMP8 Administration Application
COM1 Continuation Page 1 Individual member continuation page - COM1 Notice of establishment of creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM1 Continuation Page 2 Corporate member continuation page - COM1 Notice of establishment of creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM1 Continuation Page 3 Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - COM1 Notice of establishment of creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM1(Scot) Notice of Establishment of Creditors’ Committee (Administration)
COM1 Notice of establishment of creditors’ or liquidation committee (Rule 17.5)
COM2 Continuation Page 1 Current individual member continuation page - COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM2 Continuation Page 2 Current corporate member continuation page - COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM2 Continuation Page 3 Former individual member continuation page - COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM2 Continuation Page 4 Former corporate member continuation page - COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM2 Continuation Page 5 Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee
COM2(Scot) Notice of Change of Membership of a Creditors’ Committee (Administration)
COM2 Notice of change of membership of a creditors’ or liquidation committee (Rule 17.7)
COM3 Continuation Page 1 Individual member continuation page - COM3 Notice of continuation of creditors’ committee in winding up by court following administration
COM3 Continuation Page 2 Corporate member continuation page - COM3 Notice of continuation of creditors’ committee in winding up by court following administration
COM3 Continuation Page 3 Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - COM3 Notice of continuation of creditors’ committee in winding up by court following administration
COM3 Notice of continuation of creditors’ committee in winding up by court following administration (Rule 17.29)
COM4 Continuation Page Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - COM4 Notice of cessation of liquidation committee in winding up when creditors paid in full
COM4 Notice of cessation of liquidation committee in winding up when creditors paid in full (Rule 17.13)
Consent Order In the first-tier (Special educational needs and Disability - electronic signature available
Consent-Orders Consent Orders Kit
CON1 Consent to the registration of land as commonhold land
CON2 Consent to an application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
CON29 Enquiries of the local authority (2016)
CON29M Coal mining and brine subsidence claim search (2006)
CON29O Optional enquiries of local authority (2016)
COP DOL11 Application to authorise a deprivation of liberty (section 4A(3) and 16(2)(a) of the Mental Capacity Act 2005)
COP FAQ Making an application to the Court of Protection - Frequently asked questions
COP GN1 Applications for the appointment of a deputy for property and financial affairs
COP GN2 Guidance on the sale of jointly owned property
COP GN3 Guidance Note - Applications by existing deputies
COP GN4 Making a personal welfare application to the Court of Protection
COP GN5 Coming for a Hearing at the Court of Protection in London or at one of our regional courts
COP GN8 Applications for Statutory Wills, Gifts, Settlements and other deadlines with P’s property
COPDLA Application form (for urgent consideration) - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLB Declaration of exceptional urgency - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLD Certificate of service/non-service and certificate of notification/non-notification - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLE Acknowledgement of service/notification - Deprivation of liberty
COP1-WF Application form - COP Workflow form only
COP1 Application form - electronic signature available
COP1A-WF Annex A - Supporting information for property and affairs applications - COP Workflow form only
COP1A Annex A - Supporting information for property and affairs applications
COP1B-WF Annex B - Supporting information for personal welfare applications - COP Workflow form only
COP1B Annex B - Supporting information for personal welfare applications
COP1C-WF Annex C - Supporting information for statutory will, codicil, gift(s), deed of variation or settlement of property - COP Workflow form only
COP1C Annex C - Supporting information for statutory will, codicil, gift(s), deed of variation or settlement of property
COP1D-WF Annex D - Supporting information for applications to appoint or discharge a trustee - COP Workflow form only
COP1D Annex D - Supporting information for applications to appoint or discharge a trustee
COP1E-WF Annex E- Supporting information for an application by existing deputy or attorney - COP Workflow form only
COP1E Annex E- Supporting information for an application by existing deputy or attorney
COP1F-WF Annex F: Supporting information relating to validity or operation of enduring power of attorney (EPA) or lasting power of attorney (LPA) - COP Workflow only
COP1F Annex F: Supporting information relating to validity or operation of enduring power of attorney (EPA) or lasting power of attorney (LPA)
COP3-WF Assessment of capacity - COP Workflow only
COP3 Assessment of capacity
COP4-WF Deputy's declaration - COP Workflow only
COP4 Deputy's declaration
COP5 Acknowledgment of service/notification
COP5A Guidance notes on completing form COP5 - Acknowledgment of service/notification
COP7 Application to object to the registration of a lasting power of attorney (LPA)
COP8 Application relating to the registration of an enduring power of attorney (EPA)
COP9-WF Application notice
COP9 Application notice
COP10 Application notice for applications to be joined as a party
COP12-WF Special undertaking by trustees - COP Workflow only
COP12 Special undertaking by trustees
COP14-WF Proceedings about you in the Court of Protection
COP14 Proceedings about you in the Court of Protection
COP14A Guidance notes on completing form COP14 - Proceedings about you in the Court of Protection
COP14PADep Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - from the person to whom the application relates
COP14PADEP-WF Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - from the person to whom the application relates - COP Workflow only
COP15-WF Notice that an application form has been issued
COP15 Notice that an application form has been issued
COP15A Guidance notes on completing form COP15 - Notice that an application form has been issued
COP15PADep Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - persons with an interest in the application
COP15PADEP-WF Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - persons with an interest in the application - COP Workflow form only
COP20A-WF Certificate of notification/non-notification of the person to whom the proceedings relate
COP20A Certificate of notification/non-notification of the person to whom the proceedings relate
COP20B-WF Certificate of service/non-service notification/non-notification
COP20B Certificate of service/non-service notification/non-notification
COP21A Guidance notes on completing form COP20A - Certificate of notification/non-notification of the person to whom the proceedings relate
COP21B Guidance notes on completing form COP20B - Certificate of service/non-service notification/non-notification
COP22 Certificate of suitability of litigation friend
COP23 Certificate of failure or refusal of witness to attend before an examiner
COP24-WF Witness statement - COP Workflow only
COP24 Witness statement
COP25 Affidavit
COP28 Notice of hearing
COP29 Notice of hearing for committal order
COP30 Notice of change of solicitor
COP31 Notice of intention to file evidence by deposition
COP35 Appellant's notice
COP36 Respondent's notice
COP37 Skeleton argument
COP44 Court of Protection - Fees, exemptions and remissions leaflet
COP44A-WF Apply for help with Court of Protection fees - COP Workflow form only
COP44A Apply for help with Court of Protection fees
COP44B A guide to applying for help with Court of Protection fees (02.24)
Counsel matrix Details of Counsel claims paid to date under this certificate
COV Application for registration with unit-holders
CPSE1 General Pre-Contract Enquiries for All Commercial Property Transactions (Version 4.0)
CPSE2 Supplemental Pre-Contract Enquiries for Property Subject to Tenancies for Commercial Use
CPSE3 Supplemental Pre-Contract Enquiries for Commercial Property on the Grant of a New Lease
CPSE4 Supplemental Pre-Contract Enquiries for Commercial Leasehold Property on the Assignment of the Lease
CPSE5 Enquiries before Surrender of a Rack Rent Commercial Lease (Version 3.3.1)
CPSE6 Supplemental Pre-Contract Enquiries for Property Subject to Residential Tenancies (version 1.6)
CPSE7 General Short Form Pre-Contract Enquiries for all Property Transactions (Version 1.3.1)
Crest Transfer Form Crest Transfer form (Transfer of a certificated unit of a security to a CREST member)
CRM1 Client's Details Form
CRM2 Application for advice and assistance
CRM3 Application for advocacy assistance
CRM7-TR Non-standard fee contract work assessment form
CRM7 Non-standard fee contract work assessment form
CRM8 Assigned counsel's fee note in criminal cases
CRM11 Claim cost summary sheet
CRM11EX Claim Cost Summary Sheet - Expanded Profit Costs
CRM14 Application for Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings
CRM15 Financial Statement for Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings
CRM16 Application for a review of legal aid in criminal proceedings on the grounds of hardship
CRM18A Escape case claim form - Crime Prison Law
CRU1(Rep) Change of representative to insurance company
CRU1(Sol) Solicitor's registration form
CRU1 Notification of a claim for compensation
CRU1J Notification of a claim for compensation (Jersey)
CR19 Application for the amendment of a register in relation to a right of common (Commons Registration Act 1965 Section 13)
CR44 Application for the registration of land as a Town or Village Green (Commons Act 2006: Section 15)
CS Continuation sheet for use with application and disposition forms (Land Registry forms only)
CS01 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - CS01 Confirmation statement (Section 853D)
CS01 Continuation Page 2 Section B2 - Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - CS01 Completion Statement
CS01 Continuation Page 3 Section D1 - Shareholder information for a non-traded company - CS01 Confirmation statement (Section 853D)
CS01 Continuation Page 4 Section D2 - Shareholder information for certain traded companies (not DTR5) - CS01 Confirmation statement (Section 853D)
CS01 Part 1 Standard industrial classification (SIC) code change - Confirmation statement (Section 853A)
CS01 Part 2 Statement of capital change - Confirmation statement (Section 853D)
CS01 Part 3 Trading status of shares and exemption from keeping a register of people with significant control (PSC) - Confirmation statement (Section 853E and 853H)
CS01 Part 4 Shareholder information change - Confirmation statement (Section 853F, 853G)
CS01 Part 5 Registered email address - Confirmation statement (Section 30(2) of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023)
CS01 Confirmation statement (Section 853A Companies Act 2006)
CS1 Conditions of Sale - 2019 Edition (Ireland)
CT1 Caution against first registration
CT1X Caution against first registration - Word Version
CVA1 Continuation Page Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - CVA1 Notice of voluntary arrangement taking effect
CVA1(Scot) Notice of Voluntary Arrangement Taking Effect
CVA1 Notice of voluntary arrangement taking effect (Rule 2.38)
CVA2(Scot) Notice of Order of Revocation or Suspension of Voluntary Arrangement
CVA2 Notice of order of revocation or suspension of voluntary arrangement (Rule 2.40)
CVA3 Continuation Page Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - CVA3 Notice of supervisor’s progress report in voluntary arrangement
CVA3(Scot) Notice of Supervisor’s Progress Report in the Voluntary Arrangement
CVA3 Notice of supervisor’s progress report in voluntary arrangement (Rule 2.41)
CVA4 Continuation Page Name and address of insolvency practitioner continuation page - CVA4 Notice of termination or full implementation of voluntary arrangement
CVA4(Scot) Notice of Termination or Full Implementation of Voluntary Arrangement
CVA4 Notice of termination or full implementation of voluntary arrangement (Rule 2.44)
CW1 PL Family Help (Lower) Public Law - electronic signature available.
CW1&2(MH) Legal Help and Controlled Legal Representation - Mental Health
CW1 Legal Help, Help at Court and Family Help (Lower)
CW2(Imm) Controlled Legal Representation (Imm)
CW3 A & B Checklist Checklist for extensions to the upper cost limits in Immigration and asylum controlled work cases
CW3 Application for extension of Upper Cost limit - Controlled Work (Non Immigration Matters)
CW3A(Imm) Application for extension of Upper Costs Limit
CW3B(Imm) Application for extension of Upper Costs Limit
CW3C Checklist Checklist for extensions to the upper cost limits in Immigration and asylum controlled work cases
CW3C(Imm) Graduated Fee Scheme - Application for extension of Disbursement Limit
CW4 Application for Review of Refusal or Withdrawal of Controlled Legal Representation
C1 Application for an order (Children Act 1989 except care and supervision orders, Section 8 orders and orders related to enforcement of a contact order)
C1A (Notes) Notes for guidance for Supplemental Information Form C1A (Allegations of harm and domestic violence) (Children Act 1989)
C1A Long Allegations of harm and domestic violence (Supplemental information form) - electronic signature available
C1A Nodiadau/Notes Nodiadau Canllaw ar gyfer Ffurflen  Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol C1A - (Deddf Plant 1989)/Notes for guidance for Supplemental Information Form C1A (Children Act 1989)
C1A Allegations of harm and domestic violence (Supplemental information form) - electronic signature available
C2 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C2 Application - For permission to start proceedings; For an order or directions in existing proceedings; To be joined as, or cease to be, a party in existing family proceedings under the Children Act 1989
C2 Long Application - For permission to start proceedings; For an order or directions in existing proceedings; To be joined as, or cease to be, a party in existing family proceedings under the Children Act 1989 - extended version - electronic signature available
C2 Application - For permission to start proceedings; For an order or directions in existing proceedings; To be joined as, or cease to be, a party in existing family proceedings under the Children Act 1989 - electronic signature available
C3 Application for an order authorising search for, taking charge of, and delivery of, a child (Section 34 Family Law Act 1986)
C4 Application for an order for disclosure of a child's whereabouts (Section 33 Family Law Act 1986)
C5 Application concerning the registration of a child-minder or provider of day-care (Section 72 Childcare Act 2006 in England, Section 79K Children Act 1989 in Wales)
C7 Acknowledgement (Family Procedure Rules 2010) - electronic signature available
C8 Confidential contact details (Family Procedure Rules 2010 Rule 29.1) - electronic signature available
C9 Statement of Service (Family Proceedings Rules 1991 Rule 4.8, Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) Rules 1991 Rule 8)
C12 Supplement for an application for a warrant to assist a person authorised by an Emergency Protection Order
C13A Supplement for an application for a Special Guardianship Order Section 14A Children Act 1989
C14 Supplement for an application for authority to refuse contact with a child in care
C15 Supplement for an application for contact with a child in care
C16 Supplement for an application for a Child Assessment Order
C17 Supplement for an application for an Education Supervision Order
C17A Supplement for an application for an extention of an Education Supervision Order
C18 Supplement for an application for a Recovery Order
C19 Application for a warrant of assistance
C20 Supplement for an application for an order to hold a child in secure accommodation (Section 25 Children Act 1989 or section 119 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act)
C23 Emergency Protection Order (Section 44 Children Act 1989)
C51 Application for a Parental Order (Section 54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008)
C52 Acknowledgment (Section 54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008)
C60 Certificate referred to in Article 39 of Council Regulation (EC) No.2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning judgments on parental responsibility
C61 Certificate referred to in Article 41(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning judgments on rights of access
C62 Certificate referred to in Article 42(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning the return of the child
C63 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C63 Application for declaration of parentage under section 55A of the Family Law Act 1986
C63 Application for declaration of parentage under section 55A of the Family Law Act 1986
C64 Application for declaration of legitimacy or legitimation under section 56(1)(b) and (2) of the Family Law Act 1986
C65 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C65 Application for declaration as to adoption effected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986
C65 Application for declaration as to adoption effected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986
C66 Application for inherent jurisdiction order in relation to children
C67 Application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985
C68 Application for international transfer of jurisdiction to or from England and Wales
C69 Application for registration, recognition or non recognition of a judgment under Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 or the 1996 Hague Convention
C78 Continuation Page 1 Continuation page - additional children - Form C78 Application for attachment of a warning notice to a child arrangements order
C78 Continuation Page 2 Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C78 Application for attachment of a warning notice to a child arrangements order
C78 Application for attachment of a warning notice to a child arrangements order
C79 Continuation Page 1 Continuation page - additional children - Form C79 Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order
C79 Continuation Page 2 Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C78 Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order
C79 Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order
C100 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C100 Application under section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a child arrangements, prohibited steps, specific issue order or to vary or discharge or ask permission to make a section 8 order
C100 Application under section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a child arrangements, prohibited steps, specific issue order or to vary or discharge or ask permission to make a section 8 order - electronic signature available
C100Cont2 Optional Blank Continuation page
C110 Continuation Page 1 Continuation page - additional children - Form C110 Application under the Children Act 1989 for a care or supervision order
C110 Continuation Page 2 Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C110 Application under the Children Act 1989 for a care or supervision order
C110 Application under the Children Act 1989 for a care or supervision order - electronic signature available
C110A Continuation Page 1 Continuation page - additional respondents - Form C110A Application for a care or supervision order and other orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an Emergency Protection Order under section 44 of the Children Act 1989
C110A Continuation Page 2 Continuation page - additional children - Form C110A Application for a care or supervision order and other orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an Emergency Protection Order under section 44 of the Children Act 1989
C110A Application for a care or supervision order and other orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an Emergency Protection Order under section 44 of the Children Act 1989
C120 Witness statement template - Child arrangements - Parental dispute
DB Application to determine the exact line of a boundary
DBX Application to determine the exact line of a boundary - Word Version
DC1 Confirmation of convention country priority claim relating to UK application for registered design - electronic signature available
DF1A Appointment or change of agent or contact address - electronic signature available
DF2A Notes Notes on filling in the application form DF2A - Application to register one or more designs
DF2A Application to register one or more designs - electronic signature available
DF2B Notes Notes on filling in the application form DF2B - Application to register one or more designs divided from an earlier application
DF2B Application to register one or more designs divided from an earlier application - electronic signature available
DF2C Application to register one or more deferred designs - electronic signature available
DF5 Request for a statement of reasons for registrar’s decision - electronic signature available
DF9A Renewal of design registration
DF12A Application to record a change of ownership or to record or cancel a licence or security - electronic signature available
DF16A Change of proprietor's name or address - electronic signature available
DF19A Request to invalidate a design registration
DF19B Notice of counter-statement - electronic signature available
DF19C Notice by a proprietor to cancel a registration - electronic signature available
DF21 Request for a search of the UK designs register - electronic signature available
DF23 Request for a certified copy - electronic signature available
DF29 Request to restore a registration - electronic signature available
DF55 Notice of appeal to the appointed person - electronic signature available
DI Disclosable overriding interests
DIX Disclosable overriding interests - Word Version
DJP Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor
DJPX Application to remove from the register the name of a deceased joint proprietor - Word Version
DL-BB List of documents
DL List of documents
DRD Disclosure Review Document - Disclosure in the Business and Property Courts (Disclosure certificate included represented/unrepresented)
DRF1 Reference of dispute to Comptroller - electronic signature available
DRF2 Application to be made a party to proceedings (Reference of dispute to Comptroller) - electronic signature available
DRF3 Application to settle terms of Licence of Right or to adjust terms of Licence granted before 1st August 1989 (Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988) - electronic signature available
DRF4 Application by Design Right or Copyright owner to vary terms of licence of right - electronic signature available
DRF55 Notice of appeal to the appointed person (Unregistered design rights) - electronic signature available
Dropdown Tagging 2
DS01 Continuation Page Name(s) and Signature(s) of the director(s) continuation page - DS01 Striking off application by a company (Section 1003)
DS01 Striking off application by a company (Section 1003)
DS1 Cancellation of entries relating to a registered charge
DS1X Cancellation of entries relating to a registered charge - Word version
DS02 Withdrawal of striking off application by company (Section 1010)
DS2 Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge
DS2E Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge
DS2X Application to cancel entries relating to a registered charge - Word Version
DS3 Release of part of the land from a registered charge
DS3X Release of part of the land from a registered charge - Word Version
D5 Notice to be indorsed on document served in accordance with rule 6.14 DIV13
D6-PreApril 2022 Statement of reconciliation (pre April 2022 version)
D6 Statement of reconciliation DIV4 - electronic signature available
D8 (Notes)-PreApril 2022 Supporting notes for guidance on completing a divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation petition (D8 form) (pre April 2022 version)
D8-PreApril 2022 Application for a Divorce/dissolution or (judicial) separation (pre April 2022 version)
D8 Application for a Divorce or Dissolution (ending a civil partnership) - electronic signature available
D8B-PreApril 2022 Answer to a divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation or nullity petition/application (pre April 2022 version)
D8B Answer to a Divorce/Dissolution/(Judicial) Separation Application - electronic signature available DIV3
D8BN Answer to a nullity application DIV3N - electronic signature available
D8D (Notes) Supporting notes for guidance on completing a petition for a presumption of death decree/order and the dissolution of the marriage/civil partnership DIV6_Notes
D8D Petition for a presumption of death decree/order and the dissolution of a marriage/civil partnership DIV6
D8N (Notes)-PreApril 2022 Supporting notes for guidance on completing a nullity petition (pre April 2022 version)
D8N-PreApril 2022 Nullity Petition (pre April 2022 version)
D8N Nullity Petition DIV2 - electronic signature available
D8S Application for a (judicial) separation DIV1S - electronic signature available
D10 Respond to a divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation application - electronic signature available
D11 (Notes)-PreApril 2022 Notes for guidance - D11 Notice of Application (pre April 2022 version)
D11-PreApril 2022 Application notice (pre April 2022 version)
D11 Application notice DIV9 - electronic signature available
D13B-PreApril 2022 Statement in support of a request to dispense with service of the divorce/dissolution/nullity/(judicial) separation petition on the Respondent (pre April 2022 version)
D13B Statement in support of a request to dispense with service of the divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation/nullity application on the Respondent DIV10 - electronic signature available
D20-PreApril 2022 Medical examination: statement of parties and examiner (pre April 2022 version)
D20 Medical examination: statement of parties and examiner DIV8 - electronic signature available
D36-PreApril 2022 Notice of application for decree nisi to be made absolute or conditional order to be made final (pre April 2022 version)
D36 Notice of application for a conditional order to be made final (joint application) - electronic signature available
D36A Notice of application for a conditional order to be made final (sole application) - electronic signature available
D36N Notice of application for a conditional order of nullity to be made final DIV11N - electronic signature available
D50 Notice of application under section 17 of the Married Women's Property Act 1882/section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004
D50A Notice of proceedings and acknowledgement of service under section 17 of the Married Women's Property Act 1882/section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 DIV12
D50B Application under section 17 of The Married Women's Property Act 1882/section 66 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 / Application to transfer a tenancy under The Family Law Act 1996 DIV19
D50C Application on ground of failure to provide reasonable maintenance DIV16
D50D Application for alteration of maintenance agreement after the death of one of the parties under section 36 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973/paragraph 73 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 DIV18
D50E Application for permission to apply for financial relief after an overseas divorce etc. under section 13 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984/paragraph 4 of Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 DIV20
D50F Application for financial relief after an overseas divorce etc. under section 12 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984/Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004 DIV21
D50G Application to prevent transaction intended to defeat prospective applications for financial relief DIV22
D50H Application for alteration of maintenance agreement during parties lifetime DIV17
D50J Application for an order preventing avoidance under section 32L of the Child Support Act 1991 DIV15
D50K Notice of Application for Enforcement by such method of enforcement as the court may consider appropriate DIV7 - electronic signature available
D62 Request for issue of judgment summons DIV23
D70 Application for declaration of marital/civil partnership status DIV24
D80F Statement in support of annulment - void marriage/civil partnership (Section 11 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and Section 49 Civil Partnership Act 2004) DIV30
D80G Statement in support of annulment - voidable marriage/civil partnership (Section 12 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and Section 50 Civil Partnership Act 2004) DIV31
D81-MutualConsent Statement of information for a consent order in relation to a financial remedy DIV32 - electronic signature by BOTH Applicant and Respondent
D81-PreApril 2022 Statement of information for a consent order in relation to a financial remedy (pre April 2022 version) - electronic signature available
D81 Statement of information for a consent order in relation to a financial remedy DIV32 - electronic signature available
D84-PreApril 2022 Application for a decree nisi/conditional order or (judicial) separation decree/order (pre April 2022 version) - electronic signature available
D84 Application for a conditional order or (judicial) separation order - electronic signature available DIV33
D84NV Application for a conditional order of nullity - void marriage/civil partnership (section 11 and section 49) DIV33NV - electronic signature available
D84NVA Application for a conditional order of nullity - voidable marriage/civil partnership (section 12 and section Section 50) DIV33NVA - electronic signature available
D89-PreApril 2022 Request for personal service by a court bailiff (pre April 2022 version)
D89 Request for personal service by a court bailiff DIV34 - electronic signature available
D151 Application for registration of a maintenance order in a magistrates' court - electronic signature available
D180 Certificate referred to in Article 39 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 (1) concerning judgments in matrimonial matters
D252 Notice of commencement of assessment of bill of costs
D254 Request for a default costs certificate
D258 Request for detailed assessment hearing (general form)
D258A Request for detailed assessment (Legal aid/Legal Services Commission only)
D258B Request for detailed assessment (Costs payable out of a fund other than Civil Legal aid)
D258C Request for detailed assessment hearing pursuant to an order under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974
D259 Notice of Appeal agains a detailed assessment
D440 Request for search for Divorce Decree Absolute
D651 Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial remedy (Court Service online version of Form E1 calculator error)
eAP1 - Panel 13.1 (Panel 13.1 only) - PDF
eAP1 - Summary Report Summary of eAP1 submission to HM Land Registry
eAP1 Guidance Notes Guide to completing and submitting of online AP1 Application to change the register
eAP1 Application to change the register (online submission only)
eAP1RequisitionsGuide eAP1 - Requisitions Guide
EC CLAIM1 CLA Checklist EC Claim 1 checklist - For use with EC CLAIM1 - Escape Fee Case Claim form - CLA
EC-CLAIM1 CIVIL Escape Fee Case Claim form - Civil
EC-CLAIM1 IMM Escape Fee Case Claim form - Immigration
EC-CLAIM1 MH Escape Fee Case Claim form - Mental Health
ECOSDemo Prop Questionnaire ECOS Demo Property Questionnnaire
ECOSDemo Sale Letter ECOS Demo - Conveyancing Sale Client Care Letter
EE AP01 Appointment of manager of an EEIG where the official address of the EEIG is in the UK
EE AP02 Appointment of corporate manager of an EEIG where the official address is in the UK
EE CH01 Change of manager's details of an EEIG where the official address of the EEIG is in the UK
EE CH02 Change of corporate manager's details of an EEIG where the official address of the EEIG is in the UK
EE FM02 Continuation Page 1 Member details continuation page - EE FM02 Statement of name, establishment address in the UK and members of an EEIG whose official address is outside the UK
EE FM02 Continuation Page 2 Corporate member details continuation page - EE FM02 Statement of name, establishment address in the UK and members of an EEIG whose official address is outside the UK
EE FM02 Statement of name, establishment address in the UK and members of an EEIG whose official address is outside the UK
EE MP01 Notice of documents and particulars required to be filed for an EEIG
EE MP02 Notice of setting up or closure of an establishment of an EEIG
EE NM01 Statement of name, other than registered name, under which an EEIG whose official address is outside the UK proposes to carry on business in the UK
EE NM02 Statement of name, other than registered name, under which an EEIG whose official address is outside the UK, proposes to carry on business in substitution for name previously approved.
EE TM01 Termination of appointment of manager of an EEIG where the official address is in the UK
EH01 Election to keep information from register of directors on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006)
EH02 Election to keep information from register of directors’ residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006)
EH03 Election to keep information from register of secretaries on the central (public) register (Section 279A of the Companies Act 2006)
EH04 Election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register (Section 790X of the Companies Act 2006
EH05 Continuation Page 1 Companies with share capital continuation page - EH05 Election to keep information from register of members on the central (public) register (Section 1288 of the Companies Act 2006)
EH05 Continuation Page 2 Companies without share capital continuation page - EH05 Election to keep information from register of members on the central (public) register (Section 1288 of the Companies Act 2006)
EH05 Election to keep information from register of members on the central (public) register (Section 1288 of the Companies Act 2006)
EH06 Continuation Page 1 New members with share capital continuation pages - EH06 Update to members' information held on the central (public) register (Section 128E of the Companies Act 2006)
EH06 Continuation Page 2 New members (no share capital) continuation pages - EH06 Update to members' information held on the central (public) register (Section 128E of the Companies Act 2006)
EH06 Update to members' information held on the central (public) register (Section 128E of the Companies Act 2006)
ELD1 Claim notification form (ELD1) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability - disease (£1,000 - £25,000)
ELD2 Claim notification form (ELD2) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability - disease (£1,000 - £25,000)
EL1 Claim notification form (EL1) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability - accident only (£1,000 - £25,000)
EL2 Claim notification form (EL2) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability - accident only (£1,000 - £25,000)
EOT Epitome of title
EPA101 A guide to Enduring Powers of Attorney
EPL3 Medical report form (EPL3) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability and public liability (£1,500 to £25,000) - electronic signature available
EPL4 Interim Settlement Pack and Response to Interim Settlement Pack (EPL4) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability and public liability (£1,000 - £25,000)
EPL5 Stage 2 Settlement Pack and Response to Settlement Pack (EPL5) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability and public liability (£1,500 - £25,000) - electronic signature available
EPL6/EPL7 Court Proceedings Pack (Part A) (EPL6) and (Part B) (EPL7) Low value personal injury claims in employers' liability and public liability (£1,000 - £25,000)
EP1PG(3) Notice of intention to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney (Modified for 3 Attorneys)
EP1PG Notice of intention to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP2PG Nodiadau/Notes Nodiadau canllaw ar gyfer llenwi ffurflen EP2PG: Cais i gofrestru Atwrneiaeth Barhaus - Guidance notes for completing form EP2PG: Application to register an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP2PG Notes Guidance notes for completing form EP2PG: Application to register an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP2PG Application for Registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP3PG Notice to the Office of the Public Guardian of an objection to registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP5 Disclaimer by a proposed or acting attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney
ES1 Composite Case Summary
ES2 Composite asset and income schedule
ET1 Claim form (Employment Tribunal) (Fees and Remissions)
ET3 Response form (Employment Tribunal)
EW01 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of directors on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006)
EW02 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of directors’ usual residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006)
EW03 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of secretaries on the central (public) register (Section 279E of the Companies Act 2006)
EW04 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register (Section 790ZD of the Companies Act 2006)
EW05 Withdrawal of election to keep members’ information on the central (public) register (Section 128J of the Companies Act 2006)
EX1 Application for the registrar to designate a document as an exempt information document
EX1A Reasons for exemption in support of an application to designate a document as an exempt information document
EX2 Application for official copy of an exempt information document
EX3 Application to remove the designation of a document as an exempt information document
EX50 Civil and Family Court Fees (From 1 May 2024)
EX50A Full list of fees applicable in Civil and Family Courts - March 2022
EX80A Legal aid/Legal Services Agency assessment certificate
EX80B Legal Aid/Legal Aid Agency assessment certificate in fixed fee cases
EX97A Bailiff risk assessment questionnaire
EX107 Request for transcription of Court or Tribunal proceedings - electronic signature available
EX107GN Guidance Notes - Request for transcription of Court or Tribunal proceedings
EX108 Audio transcription
EX140 Record of Examination (Individual)
EX160 Application for help with fees - Electronic signature available
EX160B Undertaking to apply for remission of a court fee or tribunal fee, or to pay a court fee or tribunal fee - Emergency applications only
EX325 Guidance notes - Third party debt orders and charging orders - How do I apply for an order? How do I respond to an order?
EX506 Family Advocacy Scheme Advocates Attendance Form
EX550 Affidavit (order to attend for questioning and suspended committal order)
EX740 Application and information needed by the court to consider whether to prevent (prohibit) questioning (cross-examination) in person - electronic signature available
EX741 Application and information needed by the court to consider whether to prevent (prohibit) questioning (cross-examination) in person - electronic signature available
FCA-FORM1 Title - all parties (Rule 2.13(2))
FCA-FORM2 Title - no respondent (Rule 2.13 (3))
FCA-FORM3 Title - abbreviated parties (Rule 2.13 (4))
FCA-FORM4 Notice of acting - appointment of lawyer (Rule 4.03)
FCA-FORM5 Notice of acting - change of lawyer (Rule 4.04 (1))
FCA-FORM6 Notice of termination of lawyer's retainer (Rule 4.04 (2))
FCA-FORM7 Notice of intention to cease to act (Rule 4.05 (1)(a))
FCA-FORM8 Notice of ceasing to act (Rules 4.04(3); 4.05(1)(b))
FCA-FORM9 Referral certificate (Rule 4.12)
FCA-FORM10 Notice of address for service (Rules 5.02; 11.07)
FCA-FORM11 Respondent's genuine steps statement (Rule 5.03)
FCA-FORM12 Urgent application before start of a proceeding (Rule 7.01(2))
FCA-FORM13 Application by Interested Person for approval of agreement for person under a legal incapacity (Rule 7.11(2))
FCA-FORM14 Originating application by prospective applicant for order for discovery (Rule 7.24(1))
FCA-FORM14A Originating application by prospective applicant to ascertain description of respondent (Rule 7.24(1))
FCA-FORM15 Originating application (Rule 8.01); 8.04(1)
FCA-FORM16 Applicant's genuine steps statement (Rule 8.02)
FCA-FORM17 Statement of claim (Rule 8.05(1)(a))
FCA-FORM18 Notice of a Constitutional matter under section 78B of the Judiciary Act 1903 (Rule 8.11(2))
FCA-FORM19 Originating application starting a representative proceeding under Part IVA of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Rule 9.32)
FCA-FORM20 Notice of consent to be a group member (Rule 9.33)
FCA-FORM21 Opt out notice (Rule 9.34)
FCA-FORM22 Application for an order relating to the procedure to be followed in a representative proceeding (Rule 9.35(1))
FCA-FORM23 Request for service in a foreign country (Rule 10.51(c))
FCA-FORM24 Request for transmission of a document to a foreign government (Rule 10.51(d))
FCA-FORM25 Request for service abroad of judicial documents and certificate (Rules 10.64(2)(a); 10.64(4); 10.66(2)(a) & (b))
FCA-FORM26 Summary of the document to be served (Rules 10.64(2)(c); 10.73(2)(b))
FCA-FORM26A Notice to person served outside Australia (Rule 10.43B)
FCA-FORM27 Request for local service of foreign judicial documents (Rule 10.73(2))
FCA-FORM28 Notice of change of address for service (Rule 11.09(a))
FCA-FORM29 Submitting notice (Rule 12.01(1))
FCA-FORM30 Receiver's guarantee (Rule 14.22(a))
FCA-FORM59 Affidavit
FC600 Contempt application (Rules 37.3 and 37.4 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010)
FE Template (Address fields) FE Template for fixed line address fields + code to set them
FE Template 2 Common field names and description standards
FE Template 3 On Screen Hints and Tips - sample of functionality and code used to create pop up messages in forms
FE Template 5 Example of linking checkboxes and strikeout fields to one auto populates the other
FE Template 6 Copyright tag settings
FE Template 7 FE Template for fixed line address fields + code to set them
FE Template1 (Apr 2015) Company/Branch field name template - examples of common datafield names used in forms to auto populate firms own details (includes script)
Features Benefits Features and Benefits - Proposal Form
FECON36 Power of Attorney (General Form)
FECON37 General Power of Attorney Under Section 10 of the Powers of Attorney Act 1971
FEHUD All FEHUD forms can be found under the category: Non-Prescribed>Landlord & Tenant>Housing Urban and Development Act
FE6 Application for charging order on land (FPR Part 40) (Family Court)
FE7 Application for charging order on securities (FPR Part 40) (Family Court)
FE15 Request for Attachment of Earnings Order (Family Court) - electronic signature available
FE16 Request for and result of search in the attachment of earnings index (Family Court) - electronic signature available
FE17 Form for replying to an attachment of earnings application (Family Court)
FGM001 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Application for a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM001 Application for a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order - electronic signature available
FGM003 Application to vary, extend or discharge a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM005 Application for a Warrant of Arrest Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003
FGM006 Application for leave to apply for a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM007 Continuation Page Continuation page - additional respondents - Application to be joined as, or cease to be, a party to a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM007 Application to be joined as, or cease to be, a party to a Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Order
FGM700 Guidance notes - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Orders - How can they protect me?
Fileupload test
Financial-Statement Financial Statement
FL401 Application for: a non-molestation order/an occupation order (Family Law Act 1996 (Part IV)) - electronic signature available
FL401A Application for a forced marriage protection order (Part 4A Family Law Act 1996)
FL401T Application for a non-molestation or occupation order - Template supporting Statement
FL403 Application to vary, extend or discharge an order in existing proceedings (Parts 4 and 4A Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL403A Application to vary, extend or discharge a forced marriage protection order (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A) - electronic signature available
FL407A Application for a Warrant of Arrest (Forced Marriage Protection Order Part 4A Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL415 Statement of service (Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL416 Notice of Mortgagees and Landlords (Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL430 Application for leave to apply for a forced marriage protection order (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A)
FL431 Application to be joined as, or cease to be, a party to forced marriage protection proceedings (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A)
FL700 Guidance notes - Domestic violence injunctions under the Family Law Act - How can they protect me?
FL701 Guidance notes - Forced Marriage Protection Orders - How can they protect me?
FME1 Freehold Management Enquiries (Second Edition 2021) - electronic signature available
FM1 Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) - electronic signature available
FM5 Statement of position on non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) - electronic signature available
Form A Notice of [intention to proceed with] an application for a financial order DIV_A - electronic signature available
Form A1 Notice of [intention to proceed with] an application for a financial remedy (other than a financial order) DIV_A1
Form A2 Notice of [intention to proceed with] an application for a financial remedy in the magistrates' court DIV_A2
Form B Notice of an application to consider the financial position of the respondent after the divorce/dissolution DIV_B
FORM BACKGROUND Schedule 1 Background/Declaration
Form E (in progress) Financial statement - electronic signature available
Form E Notes Notes for guidance (Financial statement for a financial order or for financial relief after an overseas divorce or dissolution) [FORME Notes] DIV_E(Notes)
Form E-Demo Financial statement - Demo form
Form E1 Long Financial Statement for a financial remedy (other than a financial order or financial relief after an overseas divorce or dissolution etc) in the family court or High Court [FORME1] DIV_E1 - extended version - electronic signature available
Form E1 Financial Statement for a financial remedy (other than a financial order or financial relief after an overseas divorce or dissolution etc) in the family court or High Court [FORME1] DIV_E1 - electronic signature available
Form E2 Financial Statement for a variation of a order for a financial remedy [FORME2] DIV_E2 - electronic signature available
Form F Notice of allegation in proceedings for a financial remedy [FORMF] DIV_F - electronic signature available
Form G Notice of Response to First Appointment [FORMG]
FORM G6 Form of motion - electronic signature available
FORM G7 Form of intimation of motion - electronic signature available
FORM G8 Form of certificate of intimation of motion or minute - electronic signature available
FORM G9 Form of notice of opposition to motion or minute - electronic signature available
Form H Estimate of costs (financial remedy) [FORMH] DIV_H - electronic signature available
Form H1 Statement of costs (financial remedy) [FORMH1] DIV_H1
Form I Notice of request for periodical payments order at same rate as order for maintenance pending outcome of proceedings [FORMI] DIV_I
FORM O3 Form of notice to be served on defender in ordinary action where time to pay direction or time order may be applied for - electronic signature available
FORM O4 Citation - electronic signature available
FORM O5 Form of Citation where time to pay direction or time order may be applied for - electronic signature available
FORM O7 Form of Notice of Intention to Defend- electronic signature available
Form P Pension Inquiry Form. Information needed when a Pension Sharing Order or Pension Attachment Order may be made [FORMP] DIV35
FORM PR-CANADA Application For Permanent Residence In Canada
Form P1 Pension Sharing Annex under (section 24B of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973) (paragraph 15 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004) [FORMP1] DIV36
Form P2 Pension Attachment Annex under (section 25B or 25C of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973) (paragraph 25 or 26 of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004) [FORMP2] DIV37
FORM SKILLED Schedule 3 Economic Classes - Federal Skilled Workers
Form W Notice of application for witness order and/or permission to call a witness - The Court of Appeal Criminal Division s.23 Criminal Appeal Act 1968 (Criminal Procedure Rules (rr 39.3, 39.7))
Form X-1 Inventory of Estate Ad Non Executa and Ad Omissa
FormE-Att GH Att Testiing
FormE-WF Financial statement ‘Form E’ (Work flow) - electronic signature available
FormE Financial statement ‘Form E’- electronic signature available
FormEvo 1 Currency field formatting check
FormP9-Guidance Form P9 Guidance notes on completing the application form to set aside a decision, or part of it
FormP9 Application to set aside a decision or part of a decision (Rule 45) - electronic signature available
FormP10-Guidance Form P10 Guidance notes on completing the application form for permission to appeal
FormP10 Application for permission to appeal (Rule 46) - electronic signature available
FORM_A FORMA - Freehold Transfer - Province of British Columbia
FORM_AX FORMA - Freehold Transfer - Province of British Columbia - Word version
FORM1 Application by a solicitor for first registration (Rule11(1)) (Land Registry)
FORM9 Transfer of whole (Land Registry)
FORM 80A Affidavit - electronic signature available
FP1 Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 - electronic signature available
FP1A Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010. Notes for applicant on completing the application (Form FP1)
FP1B Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure 2010. Notes for respondent
FP2 Application notice (Part 18 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010)
FP3 Application for injunction (General form)
FP5 Acknowledgment of service (Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010) - electronic signature available
FP6 Certificate of service - electronic signature available
FP8 Notice of change of solicitor - electronic signature available
FP9 Certificate of suitability of litigation friend - electronic signature available
FP25 Witness Summons
FP26 Notice of Acting - FPR10
FP161 Appellant's notice (Appeals to the Family Division of the High Court) - electronic signature available
FP161A Guidance Notes on Completing Form FP161 – Appellant’s Notice (Appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
FP161B Notes for guidance for Respondents
FP162A Guidance notes on completing the FP162 - Respondent’s notice (Appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
FP200 Family Proceedings Fees - Family Appeals - from 18 April 2016
FP201 Guidance Notes - routes of appeal in family proceedings
FP202 Guidance notes - How to Appeal to the Family Division of the High Court
FP244 Application notice (For use in applications made within appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
FRC3 Allocation Questionnaire - Third Schedule
FR1 Certificate Certificate to accompany an application for first registration (Form FR1) where lodging certified copies of deeds and documents.
FR1 Application for first registration
FR1X Application for first registration - Word Version
FS2 Fee sheet for: UK Designs, Patents, Trade Marks, Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) and Company Names Tribunal forms
FS3 Fee Sheet for: Handling EUIPO Design applications (Registered Community Design) made through the Intellectual Property Office
FS4 Fee Sheet for: International Trade Mark applications made through the Intellectual Property Office
FTC1 Application for permission to appeal and Notice of Appeal from First-tier Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
FTC2 Application for Costs or Expenses - Form FTC2 (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
FTC3 Reference notice (Financial Services) (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
F8 Financial statement ‘Form F8’- electronic signature available
Guidance Notes 1
HC1 Application for copies of historical edition(s) of the register/title plan held in electronic form
HC1X Application for copies of historical edition(s) of the register/title plan held in electronic form - Word Version
HMRCD36 Land, Buildings and Interests in Land
Holiday 1 Holiday request form
HQ1 The First-tier Tribunal (Health, Education and Social Care Chamber) MH
HR1 Application for registration of a notice of home rights
HR1X Application for registration of a notice of home rights - Word Version
HR2 Application for renewal of registration in respect of home rights
HR2X Application for renewal of registration in respect of home rights - Word Version
HR3 Application by mortgagee for official search in respect of home rights
HR3X Application by mortgagee for official search in respect of home rights - Word Version
HR4 Cancellation of a home rights notice
HR4X Cancellation of a home rights notice - Word Version
HS295 Claim for hold-over relief - Sections 165 and 260 TCGA 1992
Hyperlink test
IAA Insolvency Act Application Notice
IC01 Notice of intention to carry on business as an investment company (Section 833(1))
IC02 Notice that a company no longer wishes to be an investment company (Section 833(4))
ID-(NON-INTER) Registers of Scotland Identification (Non-interactive) (ID) Form
ID Registers of Scotland Identification (ID) Form
ID1 Certificate of identity for a private individual
ID2 Certificate of identity for a body corporate
ID3 Certificate of Identity for a Private Individual
ID5 Certificate to be given by a conveyancer where a person's identity has been verified by way of an online video call
IE Form 1 Creditor's Petition for Insolvency Administration Order (The Administration of Insolvent Estates of Deceased Persons Order 1986) (Form 1)
IE Form 2 Petition for Insolvency Administration Order by supervisor of Voluntary Arrangement of person bound by it (The Administration of Insolvent Estates of Deceased Persons Order 1986) (Form 2)
IE Form 6 Petition by Personal Representative for Insolvency Administration Order (The Administration of Insolvent Estates of Deceased Persons Order 1986) (Form 6)
IE01(NI) Notice of approval of an undertaking by an office holder in respect of assets in another Member State (Rule 2.135(6)(c)) - For companies registered in Northern Ireland
IE01(Scot) Notice of approval of an undertaking by an office holder in respect of assets in another Member State (Rule 7.208(6)(b)) - For companies registered in Scotland
IE01 Notice of approval of an undertaking by an office holder in respect of assets in another Member State (Rule 21.10)
IE02(NI) Notice of approval of an undertaking proposed by the Member State liquidator to local creditors in the UK (Rule 2.136(7)) - For companies registered in Northern Ireland
IE02(Scot) Notice of approval of an undertaking proposed by the Member State liquidator to local creditors in the UK (Rule 7.20C(4)) - For companies registered in Scotland
IE02 Notice of approval of an undertaking proposed by the Member State liquidator to local creditors in the UK (Rule 21.10)
IE03(NI) Notice of an order opening group co-ordination proceedings (Rule 2.140) - For companies registered in Northern Ireland
IE03(Scot) Notice of an order opening group co-ordination proceedings (Rule 7.20G) - For companies registered in Scotland
IE03 Notice of an order opening group co-ordination proceedings (Rule 21.14)
IE04(NI) Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State with consent to dissolution - For companies registered in Northern Ireland
IE04(Scot) Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State with consent to dissolution - For companies registered in Scotland
IE04 Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State with consent to dissolution
IE05(NI) Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State without consent to dissolution - For companies registered in Northern Ireland
IE05(Scot) Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State without consent to dissolution - For companies registered in Scotland
IE05 Statement of insolvency proceedings in another Member State without consent to dissolution
IHT100e-2025 Charges on Special Trusts
IHTC1(2022) Inventory Form - Confirmation (Deceased died on or after 1 January 2022)
IHTC1-C2 Combined Inventory Form - Confirmation (Deceased died on or before 31 December 2021).
IHTC1-C2(2022) Combined Inventory Form - Confirmation (Deceased died on or after 1st January 2022)
IHTC1 Inventory Form - Confirmation (Deceased died on or before 31 December 2021).
IHTC2(FP) Inventory continued. Full Page (Description)
IHTC2(SR) Inventory continued - Single line rows
IHTC2 Inventory continued (5 Row)
IHTC4(C) Continuation sheet for form C4 Corrective Account
IHTC4(S)(C) Continuation page for form C4(S)(2021) or C4(S)(2022)
IHTC4(S)(2022) Corrective Inventory and Account (Deceased died on or after 1st January 2022)
IHTC4(S) Corrective Inventory and Account (Deceased died on or before 31st December 2021)
IHTC4 Corrective Account
IHTC5 (2004-2006) Return of Estate Information where the deceased was domiciled in the United Kingdom and died before 1st September 2006
IHTC5(OUK)(2003-2006) Return of Estate Information where the deceased was domiciled abroad and the person died before 1st September 2006
IHTC5(OUK)(2006) Return of Estate Information where the deceased was domiciled abroad and the person died on or after 1st September 2006
IHTC5(SE)(2004-2006) Information about Small Estates where the deceased was domiciled in the UK and died before 1st September 2006
IHTC5(SE)(2006) Information about Small Estates where the deceased was domiciled in the UK and died on or after 1st September 2006 and on or before 31st December 2021
IHTC5(2006) Return of Estate Information where the deceased was domiciled in the United Kingdom and died on or after 1st September 2006 and on or before 31st December 2021
IHTD31 Domicile Outside the United Kingdom
IHTD32 Stocks and Shares
IHTD33 Debts Due to the Settlement or Trust
IHTD34 Life Insurance and Annuities
IHTD35 Household and Personal Goods
IHTD36 Land, Buildings and Interests in Land
IHTD37 Agricultural Relief
IHTD38 Business Relief, Business or Partnership Interests
IHTD39 Foreign Assets
IHTD40 Continuation Sheet for Additional Information
IHT30 Application for a clearance certificate
IHT35 Continuation Sheet Continuation sheet - IHT35 Claim for relief
IHT35 Claim for relief - loss on sale of shares
IHT38 Claim for relief - loss on sale of land
IHT70 Claim for Inheritance Tax business relief on employee benefit trusts
IHT100a-2025 Gifts and Other Transfers of Value
IHT100b-2025 Ending of a qualifying interest in possession
IHT100b(death)-2025 Assets held in trust
IHT100c-2025 Relevant property trusts proportionate (exit) charge
IHT100d-2025 Relevant property trusts principal
IHT100f-2025 Heritage exempt property
IHT100h-2025 Assets ceasing to be held in an age 18 to 25 trust
IHT122 Application for an Inheritance Tax reference following a chargeable event (Schedule IHT122)
IHT205 (2006-2011) Return of estate information (2006 - 2011)
IHT205 (2011) Return of estate information (Person died on or after 6 April 2011 and on or before 31st December 2021)
IHT205 (2011) Test Return of estate information (Person died on or after 6 April 2011)
IHT206 (2006-2011) Notes to help you fill in form IHT205 (2006 - 2011)
IHT206 (2011) Notes to help you fill in form IHT205(2011)
IHT207 (2006) Return of estate information
IHT208 (2006) Notes to help you fill in form IHT207 (2006)
IHT216 Claim to transfer unused Inheritance Tax nil rate band
IHT217 Claim to transfer unused nil rate band for excepted estates (Person died on or after 6 April 2010 and on or before 31st December 2021)
IHT400 Calculation Inheritance Tax account - IHT400 Calculation
IHT400 Continuation Sheet Continuation Sheet - Additional information for IHT400 Inheritance Tax account
IHT400 Helpsheet Working out the interest on Inheritance Tax payments
IHT400 Rates & Tables Inheritance Tax nil rate bands, limits ad rates
IHT400 Inheritance Tax account ('Premium' bundle version - All forms data integrates)
IHT401 Domicile outside the United Kingdom (Schedule IHT401)
IHT402 Claim to transfer unused nil rate band (Schedule IHT402)
IHT403 Gifts and other transfers of value (Schedule IHT403)
IHT404 Jointly owned assets (Schedule IHT404)
IHT405 Houses, land, buildings and interests in land (Schedule IHT405)
IHT406 Bank and building society accounts and National Savings & Investments (Schedule IHT406)
IHT407 Household and personal goods (Schedule IHT407)
IHT408 Household and personal goods donated to charity (Schedule IHT408)
IHT409 Pensions (Schedule IHT409)
IHT410 Life assurance and annuities (Schedule IHT410)
IHT411 Listed stocks and shares (Schedule IHT411)
IHT412 Unlisted stocks and shares, and control holdings (Schedule IHT412)
IHT413 Business and partnership interests and assets (Schedule IHT413)
IHT414 Agricultural relief (Schedule IHT414)
IHT415 Interest in another estate (Schedule IHT415)
IHT416 Debts due to the estate (Schedule IHT416)
IHT417 Foreign assets (Schedule IHT417)
IHT418 Assets held in trust (Schedule IHT418)
IHT419 Debts owed by the deceased (Schedule IHT419)
IHT420 National Heritage assets. Conditional exemption and maintenance funds (Schedule IHT420)
IHT421 Probate summary - Northern Ireland (Schedule IHT421)
IHT421WFGuide IHT421-Workflow Guide
IHT422 Application for an Inheritance Tax reference (Schedule IHT422)
IHT423 - to be deleted Direct Payment Scheme - Bank or building society account (Schedule IHT423)
IHT423 Direct Payment Schemes for Inheritance Tax - (Schedule IHT423)
IHT430 Reduced rate of Inheritance Tax (Schedule IHT430)
IHT435 Claim for residence nil rate band (RNRB) (Schedule IHT435)
IHT436 Claim to transfer any unused residence nil rate band (RNRB) (Schedule IHT436)
IHT500 Election for Inheritance Tax to apply to asset previously owned
IHT501 Notes for completion of form IHT500. Election for Inheritance Tax to apply to asset previously owned
INR3_2 Proposed administrator's statement and consent to act
INR3_16 Notice of intention to appoint an administrator by holder of qualifying floating charge
INR3_17 Notice of appointment of an administrator by holder of qualifying floating charge
INR3_20(9)(d) Appointer's statement of reasons for the out-of-hours filing of the notice of appointment of administrator (Rule 3.20(9)(d))
INR3_20 Notice of appointment of an administrator by holder of a qualifying floating charge (Rule 3.20 and 3.21)
INR3_23 Notice of intention to appoint an administrator by company or directors
INR3_24 Notice of appointment of an administrator by [a company]/[the directors of a company] (where a notice of intention to appoint has been given)
INR3_25 Notice of appointment of an administrator by [a company]/[the directors of a company] (where a notice of intention to appoint has not been given)
IN01 Continuation Page 1 Section B - Secretary appointments continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 10 Section I - Relevant legal entity (RLE) details continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 11 Section J - Other registrable person (ORP) details continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 12 Section N1 - Statement of compliance delivered by subscribers continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 2 Section C - Corporate secretary appointments continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 3 Section D - Director appointments continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 4 Section E - Corporate director appointments continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 5 Statement of capital continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 6 Section F2 - Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 7 Section F3 - Initial shareholdings continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 8 Section G1 - Subscribers continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Continuation Page 9 Sections H3 to H9 - Individual person with significant control (PSC) details continuation page - IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IN01 Application to register a company (Section 9)
IOV2 Instrument of variation checklist
JA Form Notice of application for apportionment of costs (Judicial apportionment form)
JO Trust information for joint owners
JOX Trust information for joint owners - Word Version
JS Bug Test 1
JS Error 1
K1 Application for registration of a Land Charge (Land Charges Act 1972)
K2 Application for registration of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K3 Application for registration of a Pending Action (Land Charges Act 1972)
K4 Application for registration of a Writ or Order (Land Charges Act 1972)
K6 Application for registration of a Priority Notice (Land Charges Act 1972)
K7 Application for the renewal of a registration (Land Charges Act 1972)
K8 Application for the renewal of a registration of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K9 Application for the rectification of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
K10 Continuation of an application (Land Charges Act 1972)
K11(ADJ) Application to cancel a pending action entry in the Land Charges Register
K11 Application to cancel an entry in the Land Charges Register (other than class F) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K12 Application for cancellation of an entry in the Register under special directions of The Registrar (Land Charges Act 1972)
K13 Application for a cancellation of a Land Charge of Class F (Land Charges Act 1972 (Family Law Act 1996))
K15 Application for an official search (Not applicable to registered land) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K16 Application for an Official Search (Bankruptcy only) (Land Charges Act 1972)
K19 Application for an Office Copy of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
K20 Application for a certificate of the cancellation of an entry in the register (Land Charges Act 1972)
L&T101 Tenant's Claim for a New Tenancy under Section 24 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, Part II, Where the Grant of the New Tenancy is Opposed (CPR Part 56 & PD 56, paras. 3.4 & 3.5) [N1] LT501 - electronic signature available
LAC1 Notes Guidance notes for Legal Aid committal form
LAC1 Legal Aid committal form
Landlord-Certificate Landlord's Certificate (Building Safety Act 2022) - electronic signature available
LBTT ADS Refund Repayment claim form - Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS) (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT ADS Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS) form- Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT2B Corp Additional Buyers - Incorporate bodies and representatives - Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT2B Additional Buyers - Private individuals and representatives - Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT2P Additional Property - Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT2S Corp Additional Sellers - Incorporate bodies and representatives - Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT2S Additional Sellers - Private individuals and representatives - Paper LBTT Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT3 Completing LBTT1 form guidance - How to complete a paper LBTT return (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT4 Amending a paper return guidance - How to amend a paper LBTT return (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT5 How to pay LBTT guidance - Online and Paper Returns (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT6 Letter to accompany paper LBTT return and payment (also for amended returns and further payments)
LBTT7 Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - Cashier's Chitty
LBTT8 Code chart (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
LBTT9 Frequently Asked Questions (Land and Buildings Transaction Tax)
Leasehold 1 Application for a determination as to liability to pay an administration charge or for the variation of a fixed administration charge - Schedule 11 to the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 1a Application for an order under paragraph 5A to schedule 11 of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 2 Application by a tenant for the appointment of a manager or for the variation or discharge of an order appointing a manager - Section 24 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 3 Application for a determination of liability to pay and reasonableness of service charges - Section 27A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 4 Application for the variation of a lease or leases - Part IV Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 5 Application for the dispensation of all or any of the consultation requirements provided for by section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 - Section 20ZA of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 6 Application for an order that a breach of covenant or a condition in the lease has occurred - Section 168(4) of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 7 Application for an order under section 20C of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 8 Application for Determination of Reasonable Costs - flats and premises - Section 91(2)(d) of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 9 Application form Flats and Premises Leasehold Enfranchisement: Missing Landlord Lease Terms and/or Premium - Section 51(1)-(5) of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 10 Application for Determination of the Terms of Acquisition Remaining in Dispute, Flats and Premises - Collective Enfranchisement - Section 24(1) of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 11 Application for Determination of Premium or Other Terms of Acquisition remaining in dispute - Flats and Premises – Lease Renewal - Section 48(1) of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
Leasehold 12 Applications for determination of price payable, provisions in the conveyance, apportionment of rent and determination of sub-tenant’s share Houses and Premises – Leasehold Enfranchisement: Missing Landlord Sections 21(1)(cza), 21(2) and 27(5) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 13 Applications for determination of price payable, provisions in the conveyance, apportionment of rent and determination of sub-tenant’s share. Houses and Premises – Leasehold Enfranchisement: Missing Landlord - Sections 21(1)(cza), 21(2) and 27(5) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 14 Application for a Reasonable Costs Order. Houses and Premises – Section 21(1)(ba) and 21(2) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Leasehold 15 Application form Flats and Premises, Collective Enfranchisement: Missing Landlord Premium - Section 27(1)-(5) of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property)) - electronic signature available
Lender Questionnaire Blake Morgan - Lender Questionnaire Custom Form
Letterhead Simple Company Letterhead Template
LF2 Litigator fee review form
LF3 Offline Interim Litigator Fee Claim
LF3 Online Interim Claims Online - to be completed for LGFS interim claims created online
LF3A offline Graduated Fee claim - this form should be completed for all LGFS Graduated Fees where an interim graduated fee has been paid.
LF3A Online This form should be completed for LGFS claims created online where an interim graduated fee has been paid.
LIQ01 Notice of statutory declaration of solvency (Section 89)
LIQ01 Notice of statutory declaration of solvency (Section 89)
LIQ02 Notice of statement of affairs (Rules 6.2, 6.3 and 6.5)
LIQ03 Notice of progress report in voluntary winding up (Rule 18.7)
LIQ04(Scot) Notice of Order Deferring the Date of Dissolution in MVL or CVL
LIQ04 Notice of order deferring the date of dissolution in MVL or CVL
LIQ05 Notice of order limiting disclosure of statement of affairs in CVL (Rule 6.6)
LIQ06 Notice of liquidator’s resignation in MVL or CVL (Rule 5.6 and 6.25)
LIQ07 Notice of removal of liquidator by creditors (Rule 6.26)
LIQ09 Notice of deceased liquidator in MVL and CVL (Rule 5.11 and 6.29)
LIQ10 Notice of removal of liquidator by court in MVL or CVL (Rule 5.7 and 6.27)
LIQ11 Notice of removal of liquidator by company meeting in MVL (Rule 5.8)
LIQ13(Scot) Notice of Final Account Prior to Dissolution in MVL
LIQ13 Notice of final account prior to dissolution in MVL (Rule 5.10)
LIQ14(Scot) Notice of Final Account Prior to Dissolution in CVL
LIQ14 Notice of final account prior to dissolution in CVL (Rule 6.28)
LIQ15(Scot) Notice of a Court Order Staying or Sitting Proceedings in a CVL or MVL Winding Up
LL AA01 Change of accounting reference date of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 392)
LL AA06 Statement of guarantee by a parent undertaking of a subsidiary Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AD01 Change of registered office address of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 87)
LL AD02 Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Sections 162, 743, 859Q, 877 and 892)
LL AD03 Change of location of the records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AD04 Change of location of the records to the registered office of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AD05 Supplementary guidance Supplementary guidance - AD05 Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales Limited Liability Partnership or a Welsh Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AD05 Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales Limited Liability Partnership or a Welsh Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 88)
LL AP01(P) Appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AP01 Appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AP02 Appointment of corporate member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL AP03 Appointment of judicial factor (Scotland) to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CB01 Continuation Page 1 Member details continuation page - LL CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CB01 Continuation Page 2 Details of meetings continuation page - LL CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving a UK registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CH01 Supplementary guidance Supplementary guidance - LL CH01 Change of details of a member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CH01 Change of details of a member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CH02 Change of details of a corporate member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CH03 Change of service address for a judicial factor (Scotland) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL CS01 Confirmation statement - Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) (Section 853A Companies Act 2006)
LL DE01 Notice of change of status of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL DS01 Continuation Page Signature(s) of the member(s) continuation page - LL DS01 Striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 1003)
LL DS01 Striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 1003)
LL DS02 Withdrawal of striking off application by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 1009)
LL EH01 Election to keep information from register of LLP members on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006)
LL EH02 Election to keep information from register of LLP members’ residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167A of the Companies Act 2006)
LL EH04 Election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register for a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790X of the Companies Act 2006)
LL EW01 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of LLP members on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006)
LL EW02 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of LLP members’ usual residential addresses on the central (public) register (Section 167E of the Companies Act 2006)
LL EW04 Withdrawal of election to keep information from register of people with significant control (PSC) on the central (public) register for a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790ZD of the Companies Act 2006)
LL IN01 Continuation Page 1 Section B - member appointments continuation page - LLIN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL IN01 Continuation Page 2 Section C - Corporate member appointments continuation page - LLIN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL IN01 Continuation Page 3 Section D - Individual person with significant control (PSC) continuation page - LLIN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL IN01 Continuation Page 4 Section E - Relevant legal entity (RLE) continuation page - LLIN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL IN01 Continuation Page 5 Section F - Other registrable person (ORP) continuation page - LLIN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL IN01 Application for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 2)
LL MR01 (Notes) Guidance notes on completing eSubmission forms - LLMR01 - Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Webfiling)
LL MR01 Checklist Useful checklist on completing eSubmission form - LL MR01 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL MR01(P) Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR01-DLA Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR01 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR02 (Notes) Guidance notes on completing eSubmission forms - LL MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Webfiling)
LL MR02 Checklist Useful checklist on completing eSubmission form - LL MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL MR02(P) Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Sections 859C & 859J)
LL MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Sections 859C & 859J)
LL MR03 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Sections 859B & 859J)
LL MR04(P) Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859L)
LL MR04-DLA Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859L)
LL MR04 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859L)
LL MR05(P) Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the Limited Liability Partnership's (LLP's) property (Section 859L)
LL MR05 Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the Limited Liability Partnership's (LLP's) property (Section 859L)
LL MR06 Statement of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) acting as a trustee (Section 859J)
LL MR07 Continuation Page 1 Description of instrument continuation page - LL MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859O)
LL MR07 Continuation Page 2 Short particulars of the property or undertaking charged continuation page - LL MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859O)
LL MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Section 859O)
LL MR08 Continuation Page 1 Persons entitled to the charge continuation page - LL MR08 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR08 Continuation Page 2 Nature of the charge continuation page - LL MR08 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR08 Continuation Page 3 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - LL MR08 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR08 Continuation Page 4 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - LL MR08 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
LL MR08 Particulars of a charge created by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Sections 859A and 859J)
LL MR09 Continuation Page 1 Persons entitled to the charge continuation page - LL MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
LL MR09 Continuation Page 2 Nature of the charge continuation page - LL MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
LL MR09 Continuation Page 3 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - LL MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
LL MR09 Continuation Page 4 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - LL MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
LL MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Sections 859C and 859J)
LL MR10 Continuation Page 1 Nature of the charge continuation page - LL MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
LL MR10 Continuation Page 2 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - LL MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
LL MR10 Continuation Page 3 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - LL MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
LL MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) where there is no instrument (Sections 859B & 859J)
LL NM01 Notice of change of name of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL PSC01 Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790K and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC02 Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790K and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC03 Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790K and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC04 Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC05 Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC06 Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC07 Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP) of a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC08 Notification of PSC statements for a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL PSC09 Update to PSC statements for a limited liability partnership (LLP) (Section 790M and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
LL RM01 Notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)) (Section 859K)
LL RM02 Notice of ceasing to act as an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)) (Section 859K)
LL RPCH01 Correction of the date of birth of a member of a limited liability partnership (LLP) which was incorrectly stated on incorporation (Section 9)
LL RP01 Replacement of document not meeting requirements for proper delivery for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL RP02A Application for rectification by the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL RP02B Application for rectification of a registered office address by the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL RP03 Notice of an objection to a request for the Registrar of Companies to rectify the Register for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL RP04 Second filing of a document previously delivered for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL RP07 Continuation Page Reasons for applying continuation page - LL RP07 Application to change a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP’s) disputed registered office address
LL RP07 Application to change a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP’s) disputed registered office address
LL RT01 Application for administrative restoration of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to the Register
LL TM01(P) Termination of appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL TM01 Termination of appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL TM02 Termination of appointment of a judicial factor (Scotland) of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LL VT01 Certified voluntary translation of an original document that is or has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
LLC1 Requisition for search and official certificate of search - Register of local land charges
LOC019 Guidance notes - Enrolling a name change in the Royal Courts of Justice (Deed Poll)
LOC020 Change of name deed intended for enrolling in the Central Office of the Senior Courts of England and Wales - Adult (Deed Poll)
LOC021 Statutory declaration for an adult (Deed Poll)
LOC022 Minor's change of name deed intended for enrolling in the Central Office of the Senior Courts of England and Wales (Deed Poll)
LOC023 Affidavit of best Interest - Minor (Deed Poll)
LOC024 Statutory declaration for a deed poll for a minor (Deed Poll)
LOC025 Notice for the London Gazette on change of name for an adult (Deed Poll)
LOC026 Notice for the London Gazette on change of name for a minor (Deed Poll)
LOC027 Exhibit cover sheet for adult deed poll
LOC028 Exhibit cover sheet for minor deed poll
LPA-CoverLetter LPA Workflow - OPG Cover Letter
LPA-Questionnaire Lasting powers of attorney questionnaire
LPA 005 Disclaimer by a proposed or acting attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney
LPA 006 Objection by the donor to the registration of a lasting power of attorney
LPA 007 Objection to the Office of the Public Guardian of a proposed registration of a Lasting Power of Attorney on factual grounds
LPA 008 Notice to the Office of the Public Guardian of an application to object to registration of a lasting power of attorney made to the Court of Protection
LPA109 Guidance Notes - Office of the Public Guardian Registers
LPA 120 EPA and LPA Fees (with effect from 1 April 2017)
LPA 120A Application for exemption or remission of EPA/LPA Application to register fees
LPA 120AHW Application for exemption or remission of EPA/LPA Application to register fees
LPA 120APF Application for exemption or remission of EPA/LPA Application to register fees
LPC Continuation Sheet 1 Continuation sheet for additional people (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 2 Continuation sheet for additional information (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 3 Continuation sheet if the donor cannot sign or mark (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 4 Continuation sheet donor appointed trust corporation as an attorney or replacement attorney (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Notes Guidance notes - LPC Continuation sheets (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPE1 Continuation Continuation sheet for LPE1 form Leasehold Property Enquiries (Second Edition 2015)
LPE1 Leasehold Property Enquiries (Fourth Edition 2023) - electronic signature available
LPE2 Buyers Leasehold Property Information Summary (Second Edition 2021)
LP1F Lasting power of attorney - financial decisions
LP1FWF Lasting power of attorney - financial decisions
LP1H Lasting power of attorney - health and care decisions
LP1HWF Lasting power of attorney - health and care decisions
LP2 Register your lasting power of attorney
LP3(1)F Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(1)H Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(2)F Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(2)H Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(3)F Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(3)H Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(4)F Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(4)H Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(5)F Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3(5)H Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP3 Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP5(S) Application for Registration of a Limited Partnership in Scotland (In accordance with section 8A of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP5 Application for Registration of a Limited Partnership in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (In accordance with section 8A of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP6 Statement specifying the nature of a change in the limited partnership (Pursuant to section 9 of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP7(S) Application for registration of a limited partnership in Scotland as a private fund limited partnership (In accordance with sections 8A & 8D of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP7 Application for registration of a limited partnership in England, Wales or Northern Ireland as a private fund limited partnership (In accordance with sections 8A & 8D of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP8 Application for designation as a private fund limited partnership (In accordance with section 8D of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907)
LP12 Make and register your lasting power of attorney a guide
LP13 Register your lasting power of attorney a guide
LSCF BMA/The Law Society Consent Form
LS1 Registered Business Lease (Part of Building) (Registered) 2008 (Law Society)
LS1 Unregistered Business Lease (Part of Building) (Unregistered) 2008 (Law Society)
LS2 Registered Business Lease (Whole of Building) (Registered) 2008 (Law Society)
LS2 Unregistered Business Lease (Whole of Building) (Unregistered) 2008 (Law Society)
LTT Amendment (1) Request for Amendments to Land Transaction Tax return (Written request - Welsh Revenue Authority)
LTT Amendment (2) Request for Amendments to Land Transaction Tax return (Telephone request - Welsh Revenue Authority)
LTT Amendment (Notes) Guidance Notes for amending Land Transaction Tax Returns (Land Transaction Tax - Welsh Revenue Authority)
LTT Authorisation Authorising your Conveyancer - Land Transaction Tax - Land Transactions in Wales only (including Welsh Revenue Authority Privacy Notice (Client's Copy))
LTT Cashiers Chitty (LTT App Only) Land Transaction Tax Cashier's Chitty for the preparation of Land Transaction Tax returns - Wales only (Welsh Revenue Authority)
LTT Declaration Declaration by the Buyer(s) stating no current ownership of residential property in Wales (Additional Residential Property, Higher Rate Tax - Land Transaction Tax)
LTT eSubmission Receipt SDLT eSubmission receipt
LTT Letter (2) Letter by agent about Land Transaction Tax certificate (quoting payment reference number)
LTT Overpayment Request for Refund - Land Transaction Tax (Additional Property Higher Rate Tax - Welsh Revenue Authority)
LTT1 (Codes) Local Authority Names and Relief Code chart - Land Transaction Tax
LTT1 (Notes) Guidance notes for completing paper Land Transaction Tax return
LTT1 (Privacy Notice) Welsh Revenue Authority Privacy Notice (Client's Copy) - Land Transaction Tax as at 1st March 2019
LT1 Landlord's notice ending a business tenancy with proposals for a new one (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 25) (Form 1)
LT2 Landlord's notice ending a business tenancy and reasons for refusing a new one (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 25) (Form 2)
LT3 Tenant's request for a new business tenancy (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 26) (Form 3)
LT4 Landlord's request for information about occupation and sub-tenancies (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 40(1)) (Form 4)
LT5 Tenant's request for information from landlord or landlord's mortgagee about landlord's interest (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 40(3)) (Form 5) - electronic signature available
LT6 Landlord's withdrawal of notice terminating tenancy (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section 44 of, and paragraph 6 of schedule 6) (Form 6)
LT7 Landlord's notice ending a business tenancy (With reasons for refusing a new tenancy) where The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 may apply (Landlord and Tenant Act section 25 and Leasehold Reform Act 1967 paragraph 10 of schedule 3) (Form 7)
LT8 Notice ending a business tenancy on public interest grounds (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25 and 57) (Form 8)
LT9 Notice ending a business tenancy where a change is required at a future date and the landlord opposes a new tenancy (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25 and 57) (Form 9)
LT10 Notice ending a business tenancy where a change is required at a future date and the landlord does not oppose a new tenancy (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25 and 57) (Form 10)
LT11 Notice Ending a Business Tenancy on grounds of National Security and without the option to renew (Sections 25 and 58 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954) (Form 11)
LT12 Notice ending a business tenancy where the property is required for regeneration (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25, 58 and 60) (Form 12)
LT13 Notice Ending a Business Tenancy on Public Interest grounds where the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 may apply (Sections 25 and 57 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954) (Paragraph 10 of Schedule 3 to the Leasehold Reform Act 1967) (Form 13)
LT14 Notice Ending a Business Tenancy on Public Interest grounds where a change is required at a future date and where the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 may apply (Sections 25 and 57 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954) (Paragraph 10 of Schedule 3 to the Leasehold Reform Act 1967) (Form 14)
LT15 Notice ending a business tenancy where the property is required for regeneration and the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 may apply (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25, 58 and 60 and Leasehold Reform Act 1967 paragraph 10 of schedule 3) (Form 15)
LT16 Notice ending a business tenancy of Welsh Development Agency premises where the property is required for employment purposes (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25, 58 and 60A) (Form 16)
LT17 Notice ending a business tenancy of Welsh Development Agency premises where the property is required for employment purposes and the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 may apply (Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections 25, 58 and 60A and Leasehold Reform Act 1967 paragraph 10 of schedule 3) (Form 17)
LT21 Notice that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are not to apply to a business tenancy
LT22(1) Declaration by tenant (prior to agreement excluding security of tenure) that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are not to apply to a business tenancy [LTBT2] [L&T35A]
LT22(2) Statutory Declaration by tenant (prior to agreement excluding security of tenure) that sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 are not to apply to a business tenancy [LTBT3] [L&T35B]
LT23 Notice that an agreement to surrender a business tenancy is to be made [LTBT4]
LT24(1) Declaration by tenant (prior to agreement) to surrender a business tenancy (LTBT5)
LT24(2) Statutory Declaration by tenant (prior to agreement) to surrender business tenancy [L&T36B] [LTBT6]
LT31 Notice proposing different terms for a statutory periodic tenancy (Housing Act 1988 Section 6(2)) (Form 1) (England)
LT32 Application referring a notice proposing different terms for a Statutory Periodic Tenancy to the Tribunal (Housing Act 1988 Section 6(3)) (Form 2) (England)
LT33 Notice seeking possession of a property let on an assured tenancy or an assured agricultural occupancy (Housing Act 1988 Section 8 as amended) (Form 3) (England) [LTA3, HA32]
LT34 Landlord's Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenant of premises situated in England (Form 4) [LTA4B, HA33B]
LT35 Landlord's or Licensor's Notice proposing a new rent or license fee under an Assured Agricultural Occupancy of premises situated in England (Form 5) [LTA4C, HA33C]
LT36 Application referring a Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy or Agricultural Occupancy to a Tribunal (Form 6) [LTA5, HA34]
LT36A Notice seeking possession of a property let on an assured shorthold tenancy (Housing Act 1988 section 21(1) and 21(4) as amended) (Form 6A) (England)
LT37 Application to the Tribunal for a determination of a rent under an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (Form 7) [LTA6, HA36]
LT38 Tenant's notice proposing that an Assured Tenancy be replaced by an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (Form 8) [LTA8,HA37]
LT39 Landlord's notice proposing an Assured Shorthold Tenancy where the tenancy meets the conditions for an Assured Agricultural Occupancy (Form 9) [LTA9, HA38]
LT41 Notice to tenant to pay rent due (Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 - schedule 3, Part I, case D)
LT42 Notice to tenant to remedy breach of tenancy by doing work of repair, maintenance or replacement (Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 - schedule 3, Part I, case D)
LT43 Notice to tenant to remedy breach of tenancy (not being a notice requiring the doing of any work of repair, maintenance or replacement) (Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 - schedule 3, Part I, case D)
LT60 Notice of tenant's claim to acquire the freehold or an extended lease (Leasehold Reform Act 1967) (Form 1) [L&T50] [LRA1]
LT63 Notice in reply to tenant's claim (Leasehold Reform Act 1967) (Form 3) [L&T51] [LRA3]
LT64 Notice to long leaseholders of rent due (Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 section 166)
LT67 Administration Charges - Summary of tenants' rights and obligations (England)
LT68 Service Charges - Summary of tenants' rights and obligations (England)
LT71 Notice to former tenant or guarantor of intention to recover fixed charge (Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995, Section 17) (Form 1)
LT72 Further notice to former tenant or guarantor of revised amount due in respect of a fixed charge (Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995, Section 17) (Form 2)
LT73 Landlord's Notice Applying for Release from Landlord Covenants of a Tenancy on Assignment of Whole of Reversion (Form 3) [L&T94] - electronic signature available
LT74 Landlord's Notice Applying for Release from Landlord Covenants of a Tenancy on Assignment of Part of Reversion (Form 4) [L&T95]
LT75 Former Landlord's Notice Applying for Release from Landlord Covenants of a Tenancy (Form 5) [L&T96]
LT76 Former Landlord's Notice Applying for Release from Landlord Covenants of a Tenancy (Former Landlord Having Assigned Part of Reversion) (Form 6) [L&T97]
LT91 Landlord's notice terminating Long Residential Tenancy and proposing Assured Tenancy (Local Government and Housing Act 1989 paragraph 4(1) of schedule 10) (Form 1)
LT92 Landlord's notice terminating Long Residential Tenancy and seeking possession (Local Government and Housing Act 1989 paragraph 4(1) of schedule 10) (Form 2)
LT93 Landlord's notice proposing an interim monthly rent after notice terminating Long Residential Tenancy (Local Government and Housing Act 1989 paragraph 6(1) of schedule 10) (Form 3)
LT501-Replaced LT501 form has now been replaced with a newly drafted form L&T101 which can be found under Non-Prescribed Forms>Landlord and Tenant>Claim Forms
LT503-Replaced LT503 form has now been replaced with a newly drafted form L&T103 which can be found under Non-Prescribed Forms>Landlord and Tenant>Claim Forms
L17 Statement of earnings
L31 Information about your partnership or self employed work
Masked Randon Fill Test
Masks Field masks test from Alex
MA01 Notice of subscribers - Memorandum of Association (Companies with share capital)
MA02 Notice of subscribers - Memorandum of Association (Companies without share capital)
Mediation Consolidated Work Report Mediation Consolidated Work Report (Legal Aid Agency)
Mediation Work Start Form Mediation Work Start Form (Legal Aid Agency)
Medical-Notice Notice of intention to request that a medical question be referred to a medical panel - electronic signature available
MM2 Application to register an International Registration (including Fee Sheet FS4) - electronic signature available
Moving Home Checklist Things to remember when moving home - checklist
MR01 (Notes) Guidance notes on completing eSubmission forms - MR01 Particulars of a charge (Webfiling)
MR01 Checklist Useful checklist on completing eSubmission form - MR01 Particulars of a charge
MR01(P) Particulars of a charge (Section 859A and 859J) (Print and post version)
MR01-DLA Particulars of a charge (Section 859A and 859J)
MR01 Particulars of a charge (Section 859A and 859J)
MR02 (Notes) Guidance notes on completing eSubmission forms - MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired (Webfiling)
MR02 Checklist Useful checklist on completing eSubmission form - MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired
MR02(P) Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired (Sections 859C & 859J)
MR02 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired (Sections 859C & 859J)
MR03 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures (Sections 859B & 859J)
MR04 (Notes) Guidance notes on completing eSubmission forms - MR04 Statement of satisfaction in full or part of a charge
MR04 Checklist Guidance on completing the paper form - MR04 Statement of satisfaction in full or part of a charge
MR04(P) Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge (Section 859L)
MR04-DLA Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge (Section 859L)
MR04 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge (Section 859L)
MR05(P) Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the company's property (Section 859L)
MR05 Statement that part or the whole of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge (b) no longer forms part of the company's property (Section 859L)
MR06 Statement of company acting as a trustee (Section 859J)
MR07 Continuation Page 1 Description of instrument continuation page - MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) (Section 859O)
MR07 Continuation Page 2 Short particulars of the property or undertaking charged continuation page - MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) (Section 859O)
MR07 Particulars of alteration of a charge (particulars of a negative pledge) (Section 859O)
MR08 Continuation Page 1 Persons entitled to the charge continuation page - MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
MR08 Continuation Page 2 Nature of the charge continuation page - MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
MR08 Continuation Page 3 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
MR08 Continuation Page 4 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument (Section 859A and 859J)
MR08 Particulars of a charge where there is no instrument (Sections 859A and 859J)
MR09 Continuation Page 1 Persons entitled to the charge continuation page - MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
MR09 Continuation Page 2 Nature of the charge continuation page - MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
MR09 Continuation Page 3 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
MR09 Continuation Page 4 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
MR09 Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired where there is no instrument (Section 859C and 859J)
MR10 Continuation Page 1 Nature of the charge continuation page - MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
MR10 Continuation Page 2 Description of property or undertaking continuation page - MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
MR10 Continuation Page 3 Obligations secured by the charge continuation page - MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument (Section 859B and 859J)
MR10 Particulars for the registration of a charge to secure a series of debentures where there is no instrument (Section 859B & 859J)
Multiline auto font size
M466(SCOT) Particulars of an Instrument of Alteration to a Floating Charge Created by a Company Registered in Scotland
NAC01 Notice of application to court to cancel share warrants (Section 5(5) of Schedule 4 to the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015)
NAP Notice to the registrar in respect of an adverse possession application
NDISC Notice of disclaimer under section 178 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (Rule 19.2)
NE01 Exemption from requirement as to use of "limited" or 'cyfyngedig" on change of name (Section 60)
NL(1) Application for registration of notice affecting land (Public Trustee (Notices Affecting Land) (Title On Death) Regulations 1995)
NL(2) Application for search of register of notices affecting land (Public Trustee (Notices Affecting Land) (Title On Death) Regulations 1995)
NM01 Notice of change of name by resolution (Section 78)
NM02 Notice of change of name by conditional resolution (Section 78)
NM03 Notice confirming satisfaction of the conditional resolution for change of name (Section 78)
NM04 Notice of change of name by means provided for in the articles (Section 79)
NM05 Notice of change of name by resolution of directors (Section 64)
NM06 Request to seek comments of government department or other specified body on change of name (Section 56)
NOCP Notice of an order under section 176A(5) (Rule 12.16)
NOTICE 1 Notice of issue of certificate (The Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012, Part 3, Regulation 38)
NOTICE 2 Notice of issue of extension/amendment of certificate (The Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012, Regulation 38)
NOTICE 3 Notice of withdrawal or revocation of certificate (The Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012, Regulation 49)
NO53 Writ of Control
NO66 Combined Writ of Possession and Control
N1(CC) Claim form (CPR Part 7) (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N1(CCFL) Claim form for the Financial List (CPR Part 7) (Commercial Court)
N1(CHFL) Claim form for the Financial List (CPR Part 7) (Chancery Division)
N1 Claim form (CPR Part 7) - electronic signature available
N1A Notes for claimant on completing a claim form
N1C(CC) Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 7 claim form (Commercial Court)
N1C(CCCHFL) Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 7 claim form (Financial List)(Commercial Court) (Chancery Division)
N1C Notes for defendant on replying to the claim form - HTML Link provided
N1CPC Claim form
N1D Notes for defendant on replying to the claim form out of the jurisdiction - HTML Link provided
N1FD Notes for defendant on replying to the claim form (Consumer Credit Act claim) - HTML Link provided
N2 Claim form (probate claim)
N2A Notes for claimant on completing a claim form (Probate claim)
N2B Notes for the defendant (Probate claim)
N3 Acknowledgment of service (probate claim)
N5 Long Claim for possession of property - extended version - electronic signature available
N5 Wales Claim form for possession of property located wholly in Wales - electronic signature available
N5 Claim for possession of property - electronic signature available
N5A Claim form for relief against forfeiture
N5B England Claim form for possession of property located wholly or partly in England (accelerated procedure) (assured shorthold tenancy) - electronic signature available
N5B Wales Claim form for possession of property located wholly in Wales (accelerated procedure) (assured shorthold tenancy) - electronic signature available
N6 Claim form for demotion of tenancy/suspension of right to buy - electronic signature available
N7 Notes for defendant - mortgaged residential premises
N7A Notes for defendant - rented residential premises claim
N7B Notes for defendant - forfeiture of the lease (residential premises)
N7D Notes for defendant - demotion/suspension claim
N8 Claim Form (arbitration) - electronic signature available
N8A Notes for the claimant - Arbitration claim
N8B Notes for the defendant - Arbitration claim
N9 Long Acknowledgment of service/Response pack - extended version - electronic signature available
N9(CC) Acknowledgment of Service (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N9(CCFL) Acknowledgment of Service for the Financial List (CPR Part 10) (Commercial Court)
N9(CHFL) Acknowledgment of Service for the Financial List (CPR Part 10) (Chancery Division)
N9 Acknowledgment of service/Response pack - electronic signature available
N9A Admission (specified amount)
N9B Defence and counterclaim (specified amount)
N9C Admission (unspecified amount, non-money and return of goods claims)
N9D Defence and Counterclaim (unspecified amount, non-money and return of goods claims) - electronic signature available
N11 Defence form - electronic signature available
N11B England Defence form (accelerated possession procedure) (assured shorthold tenancy) where the property is located wholly or partly in England - electronic signature available
N11B Wales Defence form (accelerated possession procedure) (assured shorthold tenancy) where the property is located wholly or partly in Wales
N11D Defence form (demotion of tenancy) (suspension of right to buy)
N11M Defence form (mortgaged residential premises)
N11R Defence form (rented residential premises)
N15 Acknowledgement of service (arbitration claim)
N16(1) Injunction Order
N16A Application for Injunction (General Form) - electronic signature available
N20 Witness summons
N24 General form of Judgment or Order - electronic signature available
N27 Order for possession on forfeiture (for rent arrears)
N30 Judgment for Claimant (in default)
N39 Order to attend court for questioning
N56 Form for replying to an attachment of earnings application
N86 Interim Charging Order (CPR Part 73)
N110A Power of arrest
N117 General form of undertaking - electronic signature available
N119 Long Particulars of claim for possession (rented residential premises) - extended version - electronic signature available
N119 Wales Particulars of claim for possession of property located wholly in Wales (rented residential premises) - electronic signature available
N119 Particulars of claim for possession (rented residential premises) - electronic signature available
N119A Notes for guidance on completing particulars of claim form (rented residential premises)
N120 Particulars of claim for possession (mortgaged residential premises) - electronic signature available
N121 Long Particulars of claim for possession (trespassers) - extended version - electronic signature available
N121 Particulars of claim for possession (trespassers)
N122 Particulars of claim for demotion order/suspension of right to buy
N123 Mortgage pre-action protocol checklist
N130 Application for an interim possession order - electronic signature available
N133 Witness statement of the defendant to oppose the making of an interim possession order
N139 Application for a Warrant of Arrest
N149A Notice of proposed allocation to the Small Claims Track
N149B Notice of proposed allocation to the Fast Track
N149C Notice of proposed allocation to the Multi-Track
N161 Appellant's notice (All appeals except small claims track appeals and appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
N161A Guidance notes on completing form N161 - Appellant's notice (all appeals except small claims track appeals or appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
N161B Important notes for respondents
N161C Guidance notes on completing form N161 Appellant's notice for appeals relating to deduction orders
N161D Guidance notes on completing form N161 – Appellant’s notice (all family proceedings appeals in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) and the family court)
N162 Respondent's notice (for all appeals except appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
N162A Guidance notes for completing the respondent's notice
N163 Skeleton argument
N164 Appellant's notice (Small Claims Track only)
N170 Long Listing questionnaire (Pre-trial checklist) - extended version - electronic signature available
N170 Listing questionnaire (Pre-trial checklist) - electronic signature available
N180-Pre May 24 Directions questionnaire (Small Claims Track) (For claims before May 2024) - electronic signature available
N180 Directions questionnaire (Small Claims Track) - electronic signature available
N181 Long Directions questionnaire (Fast track and Multi-track) - extended version - electronic signature available
N181 Directions questionnaire (Fast track and Multi-track) - electronic signature available
N205A Notice of Issue (specified amount)
N205D Notice of issue (probate claim)
N208(CC) Claim form (CPR Part 8) (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N208(CCFL) Claim form for the Financial List (CPR Part 8) (Commercial Court)
N208(CHFL) Claim form for the Financial List (CPR Part 8) (Chancery Division)
N208(DR) Claim form (CPR Part 8) (District Registry - Queen's Bench & Chancery Division)
N208(RCJ) Claim form (CPR Part 8) (Royal Courts of Justice - Queen's Bench & Chancery Division)
N208 Claim form (CPR Part 8) - electronic signature available
N208A Bil Nodiadau i'r hawlydd ar lenwi ffurflen hawlio Rhan 8/Notes for claimant on completing Part 8 claim form
N208A Notes for claimant on completing a Part 8 claim form
N208C Bil Nodiadau i'r diffynnydd (ffurflen hawlio Rhan 8)/Notes for defendant (Part 8 claim form)
N208C(CC) Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 8 claim form (Commercial Court)
N208C(CC) Bil Nodiadau i’r diffynnydd ar ymateb i ffurflen hawlio Rhan 8 (Llys Masnachol)/Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 8 claim form (Commercial Court)
N208C Notes for defendant (Part 8 claim form)
N208PC Claim Form - Planning Statutory Review (Planning Court Part 8 Claim CPR 8.1(6))
N209A Notice of Issue (Practice Direction 8B - Pre-Action Protocol for low value Personal Injury claims in Road Traffic Accidents)
N210 Long Acknowledgment of Service (Part 8 claim) [LT506] - extended version
N210(CC) Acknowledgment of service (Part 8 claim) (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N210(CCFL) Acknowledgment of service for the Financial List (Part 8 claim) (Commercial Court)
N210(CHFL) Acknowledgment of service for the Financial List (Part 8 claim) (Chancery Division)
N210 Acknowledgment of Service (Part 8 claim) [LT506]
N210A Acknowledgment of service (Part 8 costs-only claim)
N210B Acknowledgment of service (Practice Direction 8B - Pre-Action Protocol for low value Personal Injury claims in Road Traffic Accidents)
N210C Acknowledgment of service (Part 81, Section 4 - Certification, or application under section 336 of the Charities Act 2011, in relation to conduct alleged to constitute contempt of court (CPR Part 81, Section 4))
N210PC Acknowledgment of service - Planning Statutory Review (Planning Court)
N211(CC) Claim Form (Additional claims - CPR Part 20) (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N211(CCFL) Claim Form for the Financial List (Additional claims - CPR Part 20) (Commercial Court)
N211(CHFL) Claim Form for the Financial List (Additional claims - CPR Part 20) (Chancery Division)
N211 Claim Form (Additional claims- CPR Part 20) - electronic signature available
N211A Notes for Part 20 claimant on completing a Part 20 claim form
N211C Bil Nodiadau i'r diffynnydd ar ateb y fflurflen hawlio Rhan 20/Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 20 claim form
N211C(CC) Notes for Part 20 defendant on replying to the Part 20 claim form (Commercial Court)
N211C Notes for defendant on replying to the Part 20 claim form
N213(CC) Acknowledgment of service (Part 20 claim) (Commercial Court)
N213(CCFL) Acknowledgment of service for the Financial List (Part 20 claim) (Commercial Court)
N213(CHFL) Acknowledgment of service for the Financial List (Part 20 claim) (Chancery Division)
N213(RCJ) Acknowledgment of Service (Part 20 claim) (Royal Courts of Justice - Queen's Bench & Chancery Division)
N213 Acknowledgment of Service (Part 20 claim)
N215 Certificate of service - electronic signature available
N215PC Certificate of service (Planning Court)
N218 Notice of service on partner
N224 Request for service out of England and Wales through the court
N225 Request for judgment and reply to admission (specified amount)
N225A Notice of part admission (specified amount)
N226 Notice of Admission (unspecified amount)
N227 Request for judgment by default (amount to be decided by the court)
N228 Notice of admission - Return of goods (hire-purchase or conditional sale)
N235 Certificate of suitability of litigation friend - electronic signature available
N242 Notice of payment into court (under order - Part 37)
N242A Notice of offer to settle (Section 1 - Part 36) including notice of acceptance - electronic signature available
N244 Long Application notice - extended version - electronic signature avaiable
N244 Notes Application Notice (Form N244) - Notes for Guidance
N244(CC) Application notice (Commercial Court) - electronic signature available
N244(CCFL) Application notice for the Financial List (CPR Part 23) (Commercial Court)
N244(CHFL) Application notice for the Financial List (CPR Part 23) (Chancery Division)
N244 Application notice - electronic signature available
N245 Application for suspension of a warrant and/or variation of an order
N251 Notice of funding of case or claim
N252 Notice of commencement of assessment of bill of costs
N253 Notice of amount allowed on provisional assessment
N253A Notice of provisional assessment (general form)
N254 Request for a default costs certificate
N255(HC) Default costs certificate (High Court)
N255 Default costs certificate (County Court)
N256(HC) Final costs certificate (High Court)
N256 Final costs certificate (County Court)
N258 Request for provisional/detailed assessment (general form)
N258A Request for detailed assessment (Legal aid/Legal Aid Agency only)
N258B Request for detailed assessment (Costs payable out of a fund other than the Civil Legal Aid Fund)
N258C Request for detailed assessment hearing pursuant to an order under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974
N259 Notice of appeal against a detailed assessment
N260 Long Statement of Costs (summary assessment) - extended for up to 8 fee earners - electronic signature avaialble
N260 Statement of Costs (summary assessment) - electronic signature avaialble
N261 Provisional assessment hearing notice
N263 Long Disclosure report - extended version
N263 Disclosure report
N265 Long List of documents: standard disclosure - extended version - electronic signature available
N265(CC) List of documents: standard disclosure (Commercial Court)
N265(CCFL) List of documents: standard disclosure in the Financial List (Commercial Court)
N265(CHFL) List of documents: standard disclosure in the Financial List (Chancery Division)
N265(2) List of documents: standard disclosure (Part 20) - electronic signature available
N265 List of documents: standard disclosure - electronic signature available
N266 Notice to admit facts - electronic signature available
N268 Notice to prove documents at trial
N270 Notes for guidance (completing an application for an Administration order)
N279 Notice of discontinuance - electronic signature available
N285 General form of affidavit
N292 Order on settlement on behalf of child or patient
N293a Combined certificate of judgment and request for writ of fieri facias or writ of possession - electronic signature available
N294 Claimant's application for a variation order (without hearing)
N316 Application for order that debtor attend court for questioning
N316A Application for order that officer of debtor company attend court for questioning
N322A Notes Notes for guidance on completing form N322A
N322A Application for an order to allow enforcement of a decision or ACAS conditional settlement (Form COT3) that requires permission to proceed
N322B Notes Notes for guidance on completing form N322B
N322B Application for an order to allow enforcement of a decision or an ACAS settlement (Form COT3) that does not require permission to proceed
N323 Request for Warrant of Control
N324 Request for Warrant of delivery of goods
N325 Request for Warrant of Possession of Land
N325A Request for warrant of possession of land following a suspended order for possession
N336 Request for and result of search in the Attachment of Earnings Index
N337 Request for Attachment of Earnings Order
N342 Request for Judgment Summons
N344 Request for Warrant of Committal (judgment summons)
N349 Application for third party debt order - electronic signature available
N379 Application for charging order on land (CPR Part 73) - electronic signature available
N380 Application for charging order on securities (CPR Part 73)
N434 Notice of change of legal representative - electronic signature available
N440 Notice of application for time order by debtor or hirer
N441 Notification of Request for Certificate of Satisfaction or Cancellation
N443 Application for a certificate of satisfaction/cancellation
N445 Request for Reissue of Warrant
N446 Request for Reissue of Enforcement or an order to obtain information from judgment debtor (not warrant)
N460 Reasons for allowing or refusing permission to appeal (including referral to the Court of Appeal (Civil Division)), and information concerning routes of appeal
N460HC Reasons for allowing or refusing permission to appeal and information concerning routes of appeal
N461 Notes Guidance notes on completing the Judicial Review claim form
N461 Claim form - Judicial Review
N461PC Claim form - Judicial Review (Planning Court)
N462 Acknowledgment of service - Judicial Review
N462PC Acknowledgment of service - Judicial Review (Planning Court)
N463 Application for urgent consideration - Judicial Review
N463PC Application for urgent consideration - Judicial Review (Planning Court)
N464 Application for directions as to venue for administration and determination - Judicial Review
N464PC Application for directions as to venue for administration and determination - Judicial Review (Planning Court)
N465 Response to application for directions as to venue for administration and determination - Judicial Review
N465PC Response to application for directions as to venue for administration and determination - Judicial Review (Planning Court)
N471 Application to enforce an award of an Employment Tribunal and request a Writ of Control - electronic signature available
N471A Application to enforce an ACAS settlement (Form COT3) and request a Writ of Control - electronic signature available
N500 Claim Form - Directors disqualification application
N500A-Notes Notes for Claimant N500- Directors disqualification application
N500B-Notes Notes for Defendant - Directors disqualification application
N501 Claim Form - Directors disqualification section 8A application
N501A-Notes Notes for Claimant N501A- Directors disqualification section 8A application
N501B-Notes Notes for Defendant - Directors disqualification section 8A application
N502 Acknowledgment of Service - Directors disqualification application
N503 Acknowledgment of Service - Directors disqualification section 8A application
N504 Pre-trial Checklist - Directors disqualification
N510 Notice for service out of the jurisdiction where permission of the court is not required (CPR 6.34) - electronic signature available
OC1 Application for official copies of register/plan or certificate in Form CI
OC1X Application for official copies of register/plan or certificate in Form CI - Word Version
OC2 Application for official copies of documents only
OPG(S)ChangeAddress OPG(S) Change of Address Form
OPG_POA Power of Attorney Registration Form and Guidance Note
OPG100 Application for a search of the Public Guardian registers
OPG102 Deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG102A Filling in your deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG102Bank Deputy report form - Bank accounts
OPG103 Deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG103A Filling in your deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG104 Deputy report form - Health and welfare decisions
OPG104A Filling in your deputy report form - Health and welfare decisions
OPG105 Professional fees insert
OPG106 Public authority deputy fees insert
OPG120 Get help with paying OPG deputy fees
OPG120A Application for exemption or remission of Deputyship fees
OS AA01 Statement of details of parent law and other information for an overseas company (Regulation 32)
OS AA02 Return of alteration of manner of compliance with accounting requirements (Regulation 16)
OS AD02 Notice of location, or change in location, of instruments creating charges and register of charges for an overseas company (Regulation 25(3))
OS AP01 Appointment of director of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS AP02 Appointment of corporate director of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS AP03 Appointment of secretary of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS AP04 Appointment of corporate secretary of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS AP05 Appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to represent the company as a permanent representative in respect of a UK establishment
OS AP06 Appointment of judicial factor (Scotland) for an overseas company (Regulation 73)
OS AP07 Appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to accept service of documents on behalf of the company in respect of a UK establishment (Section 1046)
OS CC01 Return by an overseas company of an alteration to constitutional documents (Section 1046)
OS CC02 Return by an overseas company of change of UK establishment relating to constitutional documents (Section 1046)
OS CH01 Return by a UK establishment of an overseas company for change of details (Section 1046)
OS CH02 Notice by an overseas company of a change of company details, or details not previously delivered (Section 1046)
OS CH03 Change of details of a director of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS CH04 Change of details of a corporate director of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS CH05 Change of details of a secretary of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS CH06 Change of details of a corporate secretary of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS CH07 Change of details by an overseas company for a person authorised to represent the company in respect of the UK establishment (Section 1046)
OS CH08 Change of service address for a judicial factor (Scotland) of an overseas company (Regulation 73(4))
OS CH09 Change of details by an overseas company for a person authorised to accept service of documents on behalf of the company in respect of a UK establishment (Section 1046)
OS DS01 Continuation Page 1 UK establishment details continuation page - OS DS01 Notice of closure of a UK establishment of an overseas company (Regulation 77)
OS DS01 Notice of closure of a UK establishment of an overseas company (Regulation 77)
OS DS02 Notice of termination of winding up of an overseas company (Regulation 69(3))
OS IN01 Continuation Page 1 Registration of an Overseas Company Opening a UK Establishment - Secretary
OS IN01 Continuation Page 2 Registration of an Overseas Company Opening a UK Establishment - Corporate Secretary
OS IN01 Continuation Page 3 Registration of an Overseas Company opening a UK establishment - Director
OS IN01 Continuation Page 4 Registration of an Overseas Company opening a UK establishment - Corporate Director
OS IN01 Continuation Page 5 Registration of an Overseas Company opening a UK establishment - Permanent Representative
OS IN01 Continuation Page 6 Registration of an Overseas Company opening a UK establishment - Person Authorised
OS IN01 Registration of an Overseas Company opening a UK establishment
OS LQ01 Notice of appointment of a liquidator of an overseas company (Regulation 70(1))
OS LQ02 Notice by an overseas company which becomes subject to proceedings relating to insolvency (Regulation 71(1))
OS LQ03 Notice of winding up of an overseas company (Regulation 69)
OS LQ04 Notice by an overseas company on cessation of proceedings relating to insolvency (Regulation 70(3))
OS MG02 Continuation Page 1 Name and address of chargee(s), or trustee(s) for the debenture holder continuation page - OS MG02 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS MG02 Continuation Page 2 Short particulars of all the property mortgaged or charged continuation page - OS MG02 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS MG02 Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS MG03 Continuation Page 1 Name and address of chargee(s), or trustee(s) for the debenture holder continuation page - OS MG03 Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property, for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS MG03 Continuation Page 2 Short particulars of all the property or undertaking which has been released from the change or ceased to being to the company continuation page - OS MG03 Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property, for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS MG03 Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property, for an overseas company (Regulation 21)
OS NM01 Registration of change of name of overseas company as registered in the UK (Section 1047 and 1048)
OS TM01 Termination of appointment of director of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS TM02 Termination of appointment of secretary of an overseas company (Section 1046)
OS TM03 Termination of appointment by an overseas company of a person authorised to accept service of documents or person authorised to represent the company in respect of a UK establishment (Section 1046)
OS TM04 Termination of appointment of judicial factor (Scotland) of an overseas company (Regulation 73(5))
OS TN01 Continuation page 1 Permanent representative's details continuation page - OS TN01 Transitional return by a UK establishment of an overseas company (Regulation 13(1))
OS TN01 Continuation page 2 Details of person authorised to accept service of documents in the UK continuation page - OS TN01 Transitional return by a UK establishment of an overseas company (Regulation 13(1))
OS TN01 Transitional return by a UK establishment of an overseas company (Regulation 13(1))
OS1 Application by purchaser for official search with priority of the whole of the land in registered title or a pending first registration application
OS1X Application by purchaser for official search with priority of the whole of the land in registered title or a pending first registration application - Word Version
OS2 Application by purchaser for official search with priority of part of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application
OS2X Application by purchaser for official search with priority of part of the land in a registered title or a pending first registration application - Word Version
OS3 Application for official search without priority of the land in a registered title
OS3X Application for official search without priority of the land in a registered title - Word Version
Patents Form 1 Request for grant of a patent (Patents Act 1977 rule 12) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 10 Request for a substantive examination (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 28)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 12 Payment of renewal fee (and additional fee for late payment) (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 36) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 14 Request to reinstate a patent application (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 32)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 15 Notice of opposition (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 76 (3))) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 2 Initiation of proceedings before the Comptroller (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 76(3), 89(1), 98(3)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 20 Request to correct a name or address (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 49)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 21 Application to record a change of ownership or give notice of rights acquired in a patent or patent application (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 47)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 28 Application by the proprietor of a patent for an entry to be made in the register that licences under the patent are available as of right (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 43)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 30 Application by proprietor of a patent to cancel an entry in the register that licences under the patent are available as of right (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 43)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 34 Grant fee for patent application (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 30A))
Patents Form 51 Appointment or change of agent (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 101)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form 9A Request for search (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 27)
Patents Form AF1 Application fee for patent application (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 22)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form SP1 Application for grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 116(1)) - electronic signature available
Patents Form SP2 Payment of annual fees (and additional fee for late payment) (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 116(5)))
Patents Form SP3 Application for declaration of lapse or invalidity, or to revoke an extension of the duration of a supplementary protection certificate (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 76(3)))
Patents Form SP4 Application for grant of an extension to a supplementary protection certificate (Patents Act 1977 (Rule 116(1))) - electronic signature available
PAYG Pay As You Go Details - Proposal Form
PA1A-WF Probate Application - Where the person who has died did not leave a will that deals with assets in England and Wales
PA1A Probate Application - Where the person who has died did not leave a will that deals with assets in England and Wales
PA1P-WF Probate Application - Where the person who has died left a will
PA1P Probate Application - Where the person who has died left a will
PA1S Postal search of the Probate records of England and Wales
PA2 How to obtain probate - guidance for people acting without a Solicitor or Probate practitioner
PA3 Probate Fees
PA4SOT Where to send your Probate Application Forms
PA7A Application to withdraw a Will and/or Codicil from safe keeping
PA8 Stopping an Application for Probate - How to enter a caveat
PA8A Application to enter a caveat on a grant of representation
PA8B Application to extend a caveat on a grant of representation
PA11 Power of Attorney (Will)
PA12 Power of Attorney (Intestate)
PA13 Lost Will Questionnaire
PA14 Medical Certificate
PA15 Renunciation (Will)
PA16 Renunciation (Intestate - without a will)
PA17 Renunciation (with a Will - Partner/director/member/shareholder in a firm)
PA18 Pre-lodgement enquiry
PC Form of Notification By Prescriptive Claimants
PC001 Birmingham Request for an adjournment (Planning Court)
PC001 Cardiff Request for an adjournment (Planning Court)
PC001 Leeds Request for an adjournment (Planning Court)
PC001 London Request for an adjournment (Planning Court)
PC001 Manchester Request for an adjournment (Planning Court)
PC1 FormEvo - field style sheet
PF 49 Request for Parties to advise of convenient dates for hearing (This form to be returned with Allocation Questionnaire)
PF71 Evidence in support of application for relief from sanctions (CPR 3.8 and 3.9)
PF84A Request for judgment on failure to comply with an order made under rule 3.5(1) (rule 3.5(2))
PF88 Request for Issue of Writ of Possession
PF89 Request for Issue of Writ of Possession and Writ of Control Combined
PF162 Respondent's notice - For use in Appeals in the Family Division of the High Court
PF 244 Template Application Notice - Template
PF244 Application notice (For use in applications made within appeals to the Family Division of the High Court)
PF244A Notes for guidance - Application Notice (form FP244)
PIC Application for a personal inspection under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002
PICX Application for a personal inspection under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002 - Word Version
Plan 1 Paper plan sent by post or DX to HM Land Registry to accompany an online application to change the register - eAP1 (online submissions only)
PLO8 Standard Directions on Issue
PLO9 Standard Directions at First Appointment
PL1 Claim notification form (PL1) Low value personal injury claims in public liability accidents (£1,500 - £25,000) - electronic signature available
PL2 Claim notification form (PL2) Low value personal injury claims in public liability accidents (£1,500 - £25,000) - electronic signature available
PNFC Privacy notice for Family Court forms
PN1 Application for search in the index of proprietors' names
PN1ID IOPN search - Evidence of identity (Index of proprietors' names)
PN1X Application for search in the index of proprietors' names - Word Version
PPF Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Inquiry Form. Information needed when a Pension Compensation Sharing Order or Pension Compensation Attachment Order may be made (Form PPF) [FORMPPF] DIV38
PPF1 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Sharing Annex to a Pension Compensation Sharing Order [section 24E of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [paragraph 19A of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] (Form PPF1) [FORMPPF1] DIV39
PPF2 Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Attachment Annex to a Pension Compensation Attachment Order [section 25F of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973] [paragraph 34A of Schedule 5 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004] (Form PPF2) [FORMPPF2] DIV40
PPUM Price Per User Per Month - Proposal Form
PRD1 Request for the production of documents
PRD1X Request for the production of documents - Word Version
Probate-WF Probate Applications Workflow.
Probate 33 Caveat (Form 3)
Probate 34 Warning to Caveator (Form 4)
Probate 35 Appearance to warning (Form 5)
Probate 37 Appearance to citation (Form 5)
Probate 38 Notice to Non-Proving Executor PRO33
PROOF (Notes) Guidance notes for PROtected Online Filing (PROOF) Scheme - Companies House eSubmission forms
Proposal Contiunation Page Proposal Form Continuation Page
Proposal Form Formevo Proposal EULA Contract
Proposal Form - Step 1 of 2 FormEvo Proposal EULA Contract - Step 1 of 2
Proposal Form - Step 1 of 2 - Sales Dashboard Dashboard Draft Proposal PDF
Proposal Form - Step 2 of 2 FormEvo Proposal Step 2 of 2
PR03(CH) Consent form for paper filing (Companies House - PROOF scheme)
PR50 Client questionnaire for making a will.
PR51 Personal Assets Log
PR52 Questionnaire For Personal Representative Clients
PR53 Death Certificate Verification Form - DCV
PSC01 Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC02 Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC03 Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC04 Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC05 Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC06 Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC07 Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP)(Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC08 Notification of PSC statements (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSC09 Update to PSC statements (Section 790VA and 790ZA of the Companies Act 2006)
PSD1 Certificate of Title to a House (For use on a conveyance of the freehold)
PSD2 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on the grant of a lease where the landlord owns the freehold)
PSD3 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on the grant of a lease where the landlord does not own the freehold)
PSD13 Certificate of Title to a House (For use on a conveyance of the freehold to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy)
PSD14 Certificate of Title to a Flat (For use on a grant of a lease to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy where the landlord owns the freehold)
PSD15 Certificate of Title to a House or Flat (For use on a grant of a lease to a qualifying person under the preserved right to buy where the landlord does not own the freehold).
PSD17 Certificate of Title on disposal of Housing Land or Buildings
PSD101 Application by a Private Sector Landlord or a connected company in respect of a Preserved Right to Buy
PSD103 Certificate by a Private Sector Landlord that land is not subject to any Rights of a Qualifying Person in respect of a Preserved Right to Buy
PurchaseClientCareLetter ECOS Purchaser Client Care Letter
PurchaseClientInformationQuestionnaire ECOS Purchaser Client Information Questionnaire
P1000 Tell HMRC about who is dealing with the estate when someone dies
Questionnaire-Financial Financial Questionnaire - electronic signature available
Quill Proposal Form Quill Proposal EULA Contract
RC Application Relating to a Caveat
RCIL(AT) Notice of Interest in Acquiring Land
REC1(Scot) Notice of Receiver’s Report
REC1 Notice of administrative receiver’s report (Rule 4.13(1))
REC2 Notice of summary of receipts and payments by administrative receiver, receiver or receiver manager (Rule 4.17)
REC3(Scot) Notice of Authorisation to Dispose of Secured Property in Receivership
REC3 Notice of order of disposal of charged property in administrative receivership (Rule 4.16)
REC4 Notice of statement of affairs in administrative receivership (Rule 4.13(4))
REC5(Scot) Notice of Deceased Receiver
REC5 Notice of deceased administrative receiver (Rule 4.19)
Resources Index (LegalInx) eSubmission Sales and Self-Help Resources for LegalInx
RM01(Scot) Notice of Appointment of a Receiver
RM01 Notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (Section 859K)
RM02(Scot) Notice of Ceasing to Act as a Receiver
RM02 Notice of ceasing to act as an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (Section 859K)
RP CH01 Correction of a director's date of birth which was incorrectly stated on incorporation (Section 167)
RP01 Replacement of document not meeting requirements for proper delivery (Section 1076)
RP02A Application for rectification by the Registrar of Companies (Section 1095)
RP02B Application for rectification of a registered office or UK establishment address by the Registrar of Companies (Section 1095)
RP03 Notice of an objection to a request for the Registrar of Companies to rectify the Register (Section 1095)
RP04 Second filing of a document previously delivered
RP06 Application for removal of material about directors who have not consented to act (Section 1095(4a))
RP07 Continuation Page Reasons for applying continuation page - RP07 Application to change a company’s disputed registered office address
RP07 Application to change a company’s disputed registered office address
RP08 Application to remove material
RQ(Co) Request for a restriction by a company
RQ(Co)X Request for a restriction by a company - Word Version
RQ Request for a restriction by owner(s) not living at the property
RQX Request for a restriction by owner(s) not living at the property - Word Version
RR01 Application by a private company for re-registration as a public company (Sections 94 and 765(4))
RR1 Application for Registration of Fair Rent [LTRA5]
RR02 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private limited company (Section 100)
RR03 Notice by the company of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration (Section 99(2))
RR04 Continuation Page Signature(s) continuation page - RR04 Notice by the applicants of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration (Section 99(1))
RR04 Notice by the applicants of application to the court for cancellation of resolution for re-registration (Section 99(1))
RR05 Continuation Page Signature(s) continuation page - RR05 Application by a private limited company for re-registration as an unlimited company (Section 103)
RR05 Application by a private limited company for re-registration as an unlimited company (Section 103)
RR06 Application by an unlimited company for re-registration as a private limited company (Section 106)
RR07 Continuation Page Signature(s) continuation page - RR07 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private unlimited company (Section 110)
RR07 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private unlimited company (Section 110)
RR08 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private limited company following a court order reducing capital (Section 651)
RR09 Application by a public company for re-registration as a private company following a cancellation of shares (Section 664)
RR22A Notice of increase of rent under regulated tenancy where a Fair Rent has been registered and the increase is not subject to the phasing provisions of schedule 8 to the Rent Act 1977 (Section 45(2)) [RTRA1] - electronic signature available
RTAASD Acknowledgment of Service - (RTA Small Claims - Directions). Claim under the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents)
RTASC O Road Traffic Accident Small Claims - Other (RTASC O) Claim under the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents)
RTA1 Claim notification form (RTA1) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1,000 to £25,000)
RTA2 Claim Notification Form (RTA2) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1000 - £25000)
RTA3 Medical report form (RTA3) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1,000 to £25,000)
RTA4 Interim Settlement Pack and Response to Interim Settlement Pack (RTA4) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1,000 - £25,000)
RTA5 Stage 2 Settlement Pack and Response to Settlement Pack (RTA5) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1,000 - £25,000)
RTA6/RTA7 Court Proceedings Pack (Part A) (RTA6) and (Part B) (RTA7) Low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents (£1,000 - £25,000)
RT01 Application for administrative restoration to the Register (Section 1024)
RXC Restriction - Consent or Certificate
RX1 Application to enter a restriction
RX1X Application to enter a restriction - Word Version
RX2 Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified
RX2X Application for an order that a restriction be disapplied or modified - Word Version
RX3 Application to cancel a restriction
RX3X Application to cancel a restriction - Word Version
RX4 Application to withdraw a restriction
RX4X Application to withdraw a restriction - Word Version
R14_4 Proof of Debt - General Form
R27(M) Reclaiming tax or paying tax when someone dies - IR27(M)
R38(SA) Tax claim - IR38(SA)
R38 Tax claim - IR38
R40 (M) Claim for repayment of tax deducted from savings and investments
R40 Notes Notes for completing form R40 - Claim for repayment of tax deducted from savings and investments
R105(AIF1) Authorised Investment Funds - Interest distributions
R105(AIF2) Authorised Investment Funds - Interest distributions and personal representatives
R105(AIF3) Authorised Investment Funds: Interest distributions to non-trustees
R105(AIF4) Authorised Investment Funds Interest distributions to trustees
R185 (Estate Income) Statement of income from estates
R185 (Pension LSDB) Trustee: Notification of tax deducted by pension scheme administrator
R185 (Pension scheme admin) Trustee: Notification of tax deducted by pension scheme administrator
R185 (Settlor) Statement of trust income chargeable on settlor
R185 (Trust Income) Statement of income from trust
R185 Certificate of deduction of income tax
SA-IHT400 Inheritance Tax account (Standalone version)
SA-IHT400 Calculation Inheritance Tax account - IHT400 Calculation (Standalone version)
SA-IHT400 Continuation Sheet Continuation Sheet - Additional information for IHT400 Inheritance Tax account (Standalone version)
SA-IHT401 Domicile outside the United Kingdom (Schedule IHT401) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT402 Claim to transfer unused nil rate band (Schedule IHT402) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT403 Gifts and other transfers of value (Schedule IHT403) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT404 Jointly owned assets (Schedule IHT404) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT405 Houses, land, buildings and interests in land (Schedule IHT405) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT406 Bank and building society accounts and National Savings & Investments (Schedule IHT406) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT407 Household and personal goods (Schedule IHT407) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT408 Household and personal goods donated to charity (Schedule IHT408) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT409 Pensions (Schedule IHT409) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT410 Life assurance and annuities (Schedule IHT410) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT411 Listed stocks and shares (Schedule IHT411) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT412 Unlisted stocks and shares, and control holdings (Schedule IHT412) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT413 Business and partnership interests and assets (Schedule IHT413) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT414 Agricultural relief (Schedule IHT414) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT415 Interest in another estate (Schedule IHT415) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT416 Debts due to the estate (Schedule IHT416) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT417 Foreign assets (Schedule IHT417) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT418 Assets held in trust (Schedule IHT418) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT419 Debts owed by the deceased (Schedule IHT419) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT420 National Heritage assets. Conditional exemption and maintenance funds (Schedule IHT420) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT421 Probate summary - Northern Ireland (Schedule IHT421) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT422 Application for an Inheritance Tax reference (Schedule IHT422) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT423 Direct Payment Scheme - Bank, Building Society or National Savings and Investments (NS&I) account (Schedule IHT423) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT430 Reduced rate of Inheritance Tax (Schedule IHT430) (Standalone version) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT435 Claim for residence nil rate band (RNRB) (Schedule IHT435) (Standalone version)
SA-IHT436 Claim to transfer any unused residence nil rate band (RNRB) (Schedule IHT436) (Standalone version)
SA-TA6-5thEdition Law Society Property Information Form (5th edition (2024) - CMS/Standalone version
SA-TA6 Law Society Property Information Form (4th edition - second revision) - CMS/Standalone version
SA-TA7-4thEdition Leasehold Information Form (4th edition) (2024) - CMS/Standalone version
SA-TA10 (TA10) Law Society Fittings and Contents Form (3rd edition) - CMS/Standalone version
SAF Application For Recording in the Register of Sasines - electronic signature available
SaleClientCareLetter ECOS Sale Client Care Letter
SaleClientInformationQuestionnaire ECOS Sales Client Information Questionnaire
Sample Form 3
Sample Recalculation 1
SA100 (2018) Tax Return 2018 for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA100 (2023) Tax Return 2022 for year ended 5 April 2023 (2022-23)
SA100 (2024) Tax Return 2023 for year ended 5 April 2024 (2023-24)
SA101 (2023) Additional Information Tax year 6 April 2022 to 5 April 2023 (2022-23)
SA102 (2018) Employment for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA104F (2018) Partnership (full) for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA104S (2018) Partnership (short) for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA105 (2018) UK Property for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA107 (2018) Trusts etc for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA370 Self Assessment: Appeal against penalties for late filing and late payment
SA800 (2023) Partnership Tax Return 2023 - for the year ended 5 April 2023 (2022-23)
SA800 (2024) Partnership Tax Return 2024 - for the year ended 5 April 2024 (2023-24)
SA801 (2023) Partnership UK Property - for the year ended 5 April 2023 (2022-23)
SA900 (2018) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2018 for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA900 (2019) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2019 for year ended 5 April 2019 (2018-19)
SA900 (2020) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2020 for year ended 5 April 2020 (2019-20)
SA900 (2021) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2021 for year ended 5 April 2021 (2020-21)
SA900 (2022) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2022 for year ended 5 April 2022 (2021-22)
SA900 (2023) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2023 for year ended 5 April 2023 (2022-23)
SA900 (2024) Trust and Estate Tax Return 2024 for year ended 5 April 2024 (2023-24)
SA901 (2018) Trust and Estate Trade for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017-18)
SA901L (2018) Lloyd’s Underwriters: Income from membership of Lloyd’s for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA902 (2018) Trust and Estate Partnership for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA903 (2018) Trust and Estate UK Property for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA903 (2024) Trust and Estate UK Property 2024 for year ended 5 April 2024 (2023-24)
SA904 (2018) Trust and Estate Foreign for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA904 (2018) TF4 Additional land and property abroad - page TF4 - Trust and Estate Foreign for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA904 (2024) Trust and Estate Foreign 2024 for the year ended 5 April 2024 (2023-24)
SA905 (2018) Trust and Estate Capital Gains for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA905 (2023) Trust and Estate Capital Gains for year ended 5 April 2023 (2022/23)
SA905 (2024) Trust and Estate Capital Gains for year ended 5 April 2024 (2023/24)
SA906 (2018) Trust and Estate Non-Residence for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA907 (2018) Trust and Estate Charities for year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SA923 (2018) Estate Pension Charges etc. for the year ended 5 April 2018 (2017/18)
SC Application for noting the overriding priority of a statutory charge
SCF1 Small Claims Summons
SCF1a Small Claim Summons - Claim for or including payment of money (where time to pay direction or time order may be applied for)
SCF1b Small Claim Summons - (Claim other than claim for or including payment of money where time to pay direction or time order may be applied for)
Schedule 1 Certificate Under Sections 15(3)(c) And/Or 16(3)(c) of the Adults With Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 to be Incorporated in a Document Granting a Power of Attorney
Schedule 2 Certificate Under Section 22A(2)(b) of the Adults With Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 to be Incorporated in Notice Revoking a Power of Attorney
SCPC1 Contract Incorporating the Standard Commercial Property Conditions (Third Edition - 2018 Revision) - electronic signature available
SCR Solicitors completion requirements (Version 3.5)
SCS1(Long) Contract Incorporating the Standard Conditions of Sale (Fifth Edition - 2018 Revision) electronic signature available
SCS1(Short) Contract Incorporating the Standard Conditions of Sale (Fifth Edition - 2018 Revision) electronic signature available
SCS1(Short)RB Contract Incorporating the Standard Conditions of Sale (Fifth Edition - 2018 Revision) electronic signature available
SCX Application for noting the overriding priority of a statutory charge - Word Version
SC001 Notice of appeal (or application for permission to appeal)
SC1 Summary Cause Summons Form 1
SC1a Summary Cause Summons - Claim for or including payment of money (where time to pay direction or time order may be applied for)
SC1b Summary Cause Summons - Claim for or including payment of money (where time to pay direction or time order may not be applied for)
SC1c Summary Cause Summons - Non Monetary Claim
SC1d Summary Cause Summons - Action of Multiplepoinding
SC1e Summary Cause Summons - Personal Injuries Action
SC1f Summary Cause Summons - Personal Injuries Action
SC002 Application form
SC003 Notice of objection/Acknowledgement
SDLT Amendment (1) Request for Amendments to Stamp Duty Land Tax return (Written request)
SDLT Amendment (2) Request for Amendments to Stamp Duty Land Tax return (Telephone request)
SDLT Amendment (Notes) Amending SDLT Returns - Guidance Notes (Stamp Duty Land Tax Returns)
SDLT Authorisation Authorising your Conveyancer (Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SDLT AuthorisationDeclaration Authorising your Conveyancer (Stamp Duty Land Tax) and Declarations about FTB and AHR
SDLT Cashier's Chitty (SDLT App Only) SDLT Cashier's Chitty
SDLT Consent Client Written Consent for Agent to Act - Stamp Duty Land Tax (Additional Property Higher Rate Tax Refund)
SDLT Declaration 1 First Time Buyer(s) declaration - Stamp Duty Land Tax (First Time Buyer's relief only)
SDLT Declaration 1(P) Declaration by the Buyer(s) stating no current ownership of residential property (First Time Buyer's relief purposes only - Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SDLT Declaration 2 (SDLT App Only) Declaration by the Purchaser(s) stating no current ownership of residential property (Additional Higher Rate Tax - Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SDLT Declaration 2(P) Declaration by the Buyer(s) stating no current ownership of residential property (Additional Residential Property, Higher Rate Tax purposes only - Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SDLT eSubmission Receipt SDLT eSubmission receipt
SDLT Overpayment Request for refund following over payment of Stamp Duty paid on a submitted SDLT return - Stamp Duty Land Tax
SDLT Payment Schedule Payment schedule - single payment for multiple UTRNs - Stamp Duty Land Tax
SDLT Schedule 1 Schedule (1) for under/sub leases (tenancies of the residential interest notified on related SDLT1)
SDLT Schedule 2 Schedule (2) for under/sub leases (tenancies of the non-residential or mixed use interests notified on related SDLT1)
SDLT Underpayment Further payment of Stamp Duty underpaid on a submitted SDLT return - Stamp Duty Land Tax
SDLT1 Land Transaction Return (adapted declaration section) for 1st March 2019 onwards
SDLT2 Land Transaction Return - Additional vendor/purchaser details (inline with 1st March 2019 layout but unchanged in content)
SDLT3 Land Transaction Return - Additional details about the land (updated 1st March 2019)
SDLT4 Land Transaction Return - Additional details about the transaction, including leases (updated 1st March 2019)
SDLT5 AC updating SDLT5 certificate so AB can use it in SDLT refresh. Includes small advert at bottom, footer form ID, Reference changed to UTRN with permission of HMRC 25/05/2018 Imran Khan SDS Team
SDLT 16 Refund Request for Refund (SDLT 16) - Stamp Duty Land Tax (Additional Property Higher Rate Tax specific)
SDLT46 Notice of appeal against a penalty (Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SD1 Statutory Demand under section 123(1)(a) or section 222(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986
SD2 Statutory Demand under section 268(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986. Debt for Liquidation Sum Payable Immediately
SD3 Statutory Demand under section 268(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986. Debt not payable Immediately.
SD4 Statutory Demand under section 268(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986. Debt for Liquidation Sum Payable Immediately Following a Judgment or Order of the Court
SD7 Guidance Note - Penalties for late land transaction returns (Stamp Duty Land Tax)
SE AP01 Appointment of a member of a supervisory organ of a Societas Europaea (SE) (Regulation 80(c))
SE AP02 Appointment of corporate member of a supervisory organ of Societas Europaea (SE)
SE SC01 Notice of satisfaction of conditions for the formation of holding Societas Europaea (SE) by a United Kingdom (UK) registered company or SE (Regulation 70(1))
SE TR03 Transfer from the United Kingdom (UK) of Societas Europaea (SE) (Regulation 11)
SE WU01 Notice of initiation or termination of winding-up, liquidation, insolvency or cessation of payment procedures and decision to continue operating of Societas Europaea (SE) (Regulation 82(1)(b))
SEND7 Request for change - electronic signature available
SEND8 Withdrawing an appeal or claim - electronic signature available
SEND11 Attendance form - parents - electronic signature available
SEND12 Attendance form - local authority - electronic signature available
SEND15A Expenses claim form for parents - electronic signature available
SEND16A Expenses claim form for witness - electronic signature available
SEND20A Application for permission to appeal (Form A) - electronic signature available
SEND20B Application for the Tribunal to review its decision because of a change of circumstances (Form B) - electronic signature available
SEND20C Application to set aside a final decision (Form C) - electronic signature available
SEND35 Application for appeal - Child or young person - electronic signature available
SEND35A Application for appeal - Refusal to secure an EHC Needs Assessment - electronic signature available
SEND45 Case review - electronic signature available
SEND46 Consent order
SEV Application to enter a Form A restriction on severance of joint tenancy by agreement or notice
SEVX Application to enter a Form A restriction on severance of joint tenancy by agreement or notice - Word Version
Share Certificate Share Certificate (Executed using common seal)
Share Certificate 3 Share Certificate (Executed by two Directors or one Director and Secretary)
Share Certificate 4 Share Certificate (Executed by One Director with witness)
SH01 Continuation Page 1 Shares allotted continuation page - SH01 Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH01 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital continuation page - SH01 Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH01 Continuation Page 3 Statement of capital (prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH01 Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH01(ALL) Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH01 Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH01esub Return of allotment of shares (Section 555)
SH02 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH02 Notice of consolidation, sub-division, redemption of shares or re-conversion of stock into shares (Section 619, 621 & 689)
SH02 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights to shares) continuation page - SH02 Notice of consolidation, sub-division, redemption of shares or re-conversion of stock into shares (Sections 619, 621 & 689)
SH02 Notice of consolidation, sub-division, redemption of shares or re-conversion of stock into shares (Sections 619, 621 & 689)
SH03 Return of purchase of own shares (Section 707)
SH04 Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares (Section 728)
SH05 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH05 Notice of cancellation of treasury shares (Section 730)
SH05 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars or rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH05 Notice of cancellation of treasury shares (Section 730)
SH05 Notice of cancellation of treasury shares (Section 730)
SH06 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH06 Notice of cancellation of shares (Section 708)
SH06 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars or rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH06 Notice of cancellation of shares (Section 708)
SH06 Notice of cancellation of shares (Section 708)
SH07 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH07 Notice of cancellation of shares held by or for a public company (Section 663)
SH07 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH07 Notice of cancellation of shares held by or for a public company (Section 663)
SH07 Notice of cancellation of shares held by or for a public company (Section 663)
SH08 Notice of name or other designation of class of shares (Section 636)
SH09 Continuation Page Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares continuation page - SH09 Return of allotment by an unlimited company allotting a new class of shares (Section 556)
SH09 Return of allotment by an unlimited company allotting a new class of shares (Section 556)
SH10 Continuation Page Details of variation of rights continuation page - SH10 Notice of particulars of variation of rights attached to shares (Section 637)
SH10 Notice of particulars of variation of rights attached to shares (Section 637)
SH11 Continuation Page Rights attached to class of members continuation page - SH11 Notice of new class of members (Section 638)
SH11 Notice of new class of members (Section 638)
SH12 Continuation Page Variation in the rights of the class of members continuation page - SH12 Notice of particulars of variation of class rights (Section 640)
SH12 Notice of particulars of variation of class rights (Section 640)
SH13 Notice of name or other designation of class of members (Section 639)
SH14 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH14 Notice of redenomination (Section 625)
SH14 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH14 Notice of redenomination (Section 625)
SH14 Notice of redenomination (Section 625)
SH15 Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH15 Notice of reduction of capital following redenomination (Section 627)
SH15 Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH15 Notice of reduction of capital following redenomination (Section 627)
SH15 Notice of reduction of capital following redenomination (Section 627)
SH16 Continuation Page Signature(s) continuation page - SH16 Notice by the applicants of application to court for cancellation of the special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital - Section 722(1)
SH16 Notice by the applicants of application to court for cancellation of the special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital (Section 722(1))
SH17 Notice by the company of application to court for cancellation of special resolution approving a redemption or purchase of shares out of capital (Section 722(2))
SH19 (Section 108) Statement of capital (Section 108)
SH19 (Section 108) Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital (Section 108)
SH19 (Section 108) Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital (Section 108)
SH19 (Section 644) Statement of capital (Section 644 and 649)
SH19 (Section 644) Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital (Section 644 & 649)
SH19 (Section 644) Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital (Section 644 & 649)
SH19 (Section 7(2)) Statement of capital on cancellation of share warrants (Section 7(2) of Schedule 4 to the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015)
SH19 (Section 7(2)) Continuation Page 1 Statement of capital continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital on cancellation of share warrants (Section 7(2) of Schedule 4 to the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015)
SH19 (Section 7(2)) Continuation Page 2 Statement of capital (Prescribed particulars of rights attached to shares) continuation page - SH19 Statement of capital on cancellation of share warrants (Section 7(2) of Schedule 4 to the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015)
SH50 Application for trading certificate for a public company (Sections 761 and 762)
SIF Application for an official search of the index of relating franchises and manors
SIFX Application for an official search of the index of relating franchises and manors - Word Version
Signable 1
Signable 2
SIM Application for an official search of the index map
SIMX Application for an official search of the index map - Word Version
SLPPSC01 Notice of Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC) of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC02 Notice of Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) with Significant Control of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC03 Notice of Other Registrable Person (ORP) with Significant Control of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC04 Change of Details of Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC) of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC05 Change of Details of Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) with a Significant Control of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC06 Change of Details of Other Registrable Person (ORP) with Significant Control of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC07 Notice of Ceasing to be an Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC), Relevant Legal Entity (RLE), or Other Registrable Person (ORP) of a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC08 PSC Statements for a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SLPPSC09 Update to PSC Statements for a Scottish Limited Partnership (LP)
SP FORM2A Simple Procedure Lay Representation Form
SP FORM3A Simple Procedure Claim Form
SP FORM3B Simple Procedure Further Claimant Form
SP FORM3C Simple Procedure Further Respondent Form
SP FORM3D Simple Procedure Timetable
SP FORM3E Simple Procedure Change of Timetable Application
SP FORM4A Simple Procedure Response Form
SP FORM5A Simple Procedure Time to Pay Application
SP FORM5B Simple Procedure Time to Pay Notice
SP FORM6A Simple Procedure Notice of Claim
SP FORM6B Simple Procedure Service by Advertisement Application
SP FORM6C Simple Procedure Confirmation of Formal Service
SP FORM7A Simple Procedure Application for a Decision
SP FORM8A Simple Procedure Order of the Sheriff
SP FORM9A Simple Procedure Application to Pause
SP FORM9B Simple Procedure Application to Restart
SP FORM9C Simple Procedure Additional Respondent Application
SP FORM9D Simple Procedure Application to Amend
SP FORM9E Simple Procedure Abandonment Notice
SP FORM9F Simple Procedure Application to Represent
SP FORM9G Simple Procedure Incidental Orders Application
SP FORM10A Simple Procedure List of Evidence Form
SP FORM10B Simple Procedure Recovery of Documents Application
SP FORM10C Simple Procedure Application to Open Confidential Document
SP Form10D Simple Procedure Special Recovery of Documents Application
SP FORM11A Simple Procedure List of Witnesses Form
SP FORM11B Simple Procedure Witness Citation Notice
SP FORM11C Simple Procedure Child Witness Notice
SP FORM11D Simple Procedure Vulnerable Witness Application
SP FORM11E Simple Procedure Special Measures Review Application
SP FORM13A Simple Procedure Decision Form
SP FORM13B(1) Simple Procedure Application to Pause (This Form is to be used where the decision was made before 30 July 2018).
SP FORM13B(2) Simple Procedure Application to Recall (This Form only applies where the decision was made on or after 30 July 2018)
SP FORM15A Simple Procedure Charge to Pay (This Form only applies where a decision in a simple procedure case was made before 15 June 2017).
SP FORM15B Simple Procedure Alternative Decision Application
SP FORM16A Simple Procedure Appeal Form
SP FORM16B Simple Procedure Appeal Report
SP FORM17A Simple Procedure CJEU Reference Form
SP FORM17B Simple Procedure Application to Intervene
SP FORM17C Simple Procedure Invitation to Intervene
SP FORM17D Simple Procedure Application to Change a Damages Management Order
SP FORM17E Simple Procedure Application for Instructions about a Damages Management Order
SP FORM17F The Simple Procedure Application for a Child’s Property Administration Order
SP FORM19A Simple Procedure Translation Certificate
SP FORM19B Simple Procedure Method of Service Abroad Certificate
SP FORM20A Simple Procedure Provisional Orders Application
SP FORM20B Simple Procedure Provisional Orders Hearing Notice
SP FORM20C Simple Procedure Provisional Orders Reconsideration Application
SP FORM20D Simple Procedure Arrestment Notice
SP FORM20E Simple Procedure Confirmation of Formal Service of Arrestment Notice
SP RP04 Second filing of a document previously delivered by a Scottish limited partnership or Scottish qualifying partnership
SPRP04 Second Filing of a Document Previously Delivered by a Scottish Limited Partnership or Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQP CS01 Confirmation statement for a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC01 Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC02 Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC03 Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC04 Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC05 Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC06 Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC07 Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP) of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC08 Notification of PSC statements for a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP PSC09 Update to PSC statements for a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQPCS01 Confirmation Statement for a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC01 Notice of Individual Person with Significant control (PSC) of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC02 Notice of Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) with Significant Control of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC03 Notice of Other Registrable Person (ORP) with Significant Control of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC04 Change of Details of Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC) of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC05 Change of Details of Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) with Significant Control of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC06 Change of Details of Other Registrable Person (ORP) with Significant Control of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC07 Notice of Ceasing to be an Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC), Relevant Legal Entity (RLE), or Other Registrable Person (ORP) of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC08 Notification of PSC Statements for a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQPPSC09 Update to PSC Statements for a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQP1 Continuation Page 1 Section B1 partner details continuation page - SQP1 Registration of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP1 Continuation Page 2 Section D individual's details continuation page - SQP1 Registration of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP1 Continuation Page 3 Section E Relevant legal entity (RLE) details continuation page - SQP1 Registration of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP1 Continuation Page 4 Section F Other registrable person (ORP) details continuation page - SQP1 Registration of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP1(Cont) Registration of a Scottish Qualifying Partnership - Continuation Page
SQP1 Registration of a Scottish qualifying partnership
SQP2(Cont) Change of Details for a Scottish Qualifying Partnership - Continuation Page
SQP2 Change of Details for a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SQP3 Notice of Ceasing to be a Scottish Qualifying Partnership
SR01-ContinuationPage Application under section 1088 by an individual to make an address unavailable for public inspection continuation page
SR01 Application under section 1088 by an individual to make an address unavailable for public inspection
SR1 Notice of surrender of development right(s)
Stock Transfer form 1 Stock Transfer form (Transfer by individual(s))
Stock Transfer form 2 Stock Transfer form (Transfer by Company - no company seal)
Stock Transfer form 3 Stock Transfer form (Transfer by Company - no company seal) Witness Signature
String Formula 1
ST1 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration based upon adverse possession
ST1X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration based upon adverse possession - Word Version
ST2 Statement of truth in support of an application based upon adverse possession of a rentcharge
ST2X Statement of truth in support of an application based upon adverse possession of a rentcharge - Word Version
ST3 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration of land based upon lost or destroyed title deeds
ST3X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration of land based upon lost or destroyed title deeds - Word Version
ST4 Statement of truth in support of an application for registration and/or noting of a prescriptive easement
ST4X Statement of truth in support of an application for registration and/or noting of a prescriptive easement - Word Version
ST5 Statement of truth in support of an application to cancel a Form A restriction
ST5X Statement of truth in support of an application to cancel a Form A restriction - Word Version
TA Forms Bundle TA bundle containing TA6(5th), TA7(4th) and TA10(3rd) editions and previous TA6(4th) and TA7(3rd) editions - electronic signature available
TA4 Required commonhold information
TA6-5thEdition Law Society Property Information Form (5th edition (2024) - electronic signature available
TA6-5thEdition-Guidance Notes TA6 (5th Edition) Guidance Notes
TA6-Guidance Notes TA6 (4th Edition- second revision) Guidance Notes
TA6 Law Society Property Information Form (4th edition - second revision) - electronic signature available
TA6ECOS Law Society Property Information Form (4th edition - second revision)
TA7-4thEdition Leasehold Information Form (4th edition) (2024) - electronic signature available
TA7 Leasehold Information Form (3rd edition) (2023) - electronic signature available
TA7ECOS Leasehold Information Form (2nd edition)
TA8 New home information form
TA9 Commonhold information form
TA10 (TA10) Law Society Fittings and Contents Form (3rd edition) - electronic signature available
TA10ECOS (TA10) Law Society Fittings and Contents Form (3rd edition)
TA13 Completion information and undertakings (4th edition) (2023)
TA15 Commonhold Information request
TCC/CM1 Case management information sheet - electronic signature available
TCC/PTR1 Pre-trial review questionnaire
Test Grouped Checkboxes
Test Inserting Continuation Pages
Time picker test 1
TM01 Termination of appointment of director (Section 167 and 167D)
TM02 Termination of appointment of secretary (Section 276 and 279D)
TM03 Termination of appointment of manager under Section 47 of the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 or receiver and manager under Section 18 of the Charities Act 1993 or judicial factor (Scotland) (Section 1154)
TM3 Application to register a trade mark - electronic signature available
TM3A Application to add extra classes - electronic signature available
TM4 Application to transform a Madrid Protocol Designation - electronic signature available
TM5 Request for a statement of reasons for registrar's decision - electronic signature available
TM7 Notice of opposition and statement of grounds (Whole form including sections A, B, C, D and E) - electronic signature available
TM7A Opposition is based on Sections 5(1) or 5(2) of the Trade Marks Act on the basis of an earlier registered or pending mark
TM7B Opposition is based on Sections 5(3) of the Trade Marks Act on the basis of an earlier registered or pending mark, that is identical with or similar to an earlier mark which has a reputation
TM7C Opposition is based on Sections 5(4)(a) of the Trade Marks Act, where the use of the applicant's trade mark would be contrary to law, particular, the law of the passing off
TM7D Opposition is based on Sections 3 of the Trade Marks Act on the basis that the trade mark fails to satisfy certain requirements of a trade mark
TM7E Opposition is based on any other grounds
TM7F Notice of fast Track opposition and statement of grounds - electronic signature available
TM7FS Notice of opposition and statement of grounds - Compulsory Front Section - electronic signature available
TM7G Request to add grounds to a notice of opposition - electronic signature available
TM8(N) Notice of defence and counterstatement for the use in revocation on the grounds of non-use - electronic signature available
TM8 Notice of defence and counterstatement - electronic signature available
TM9 Request for an extension of time before the period has expired - electronic signature available
TM9C Request for a cooling off period - electronic signature available
TM9E Request for an extension to the cooling off period - electronic signature available
TM9R Request for retrospective extension of time - electronic signature available
TM9T Request to terminate a cooling off period - electronic signature available
TM11 Renewal of trade mark registration - electronic signature available
TM12 Request to divide an application - electronic signature available
TM13 Request to restore and renew a registration - electronic signature available
TM16 Application to record a change of ownership
TM16P Application to record a partial assignment of goods and/or services
TM17 Request to merge registrations - electronic signature available
TM21A Change of owner's name, address or email - electronic signature available
TM21B Change of details to an application - electronic signature available
TM22 Notice to surrender a registration - electronic signature available
TM23 Notice to partially surrender a registration - electronic signature available
TM24 Application to record or amend a security interest - electronic signature available
TM24C Application to cancel a security interest - electronic signature available
TM26(I) Application to declare invalid a registration or a protected international trade mark (UK) (Whole form including sections A, B, C, D and E) - electronic signature available
TM26(N) Application to revoke a registration or a protected international trade mark (UK) for reasons of non-use - electronic signature available
TM26(O) Application to revoke a registration or a protected international trade mark (UK) for reasons other than non-use - electronic signature available
TM26(R) Application to rectify the register - electronic signature available
TM27 Application to intervene in proceedings for the (a) invalidation, revocation or rectification of a UK registration, or (b) invalidation or revocation of a protected international trade mark (UK) - electronic signature available
TM28 Application to record a concurrent registration - electronic signature available
TM29 Application to set aside cancellation of application or revocation or invalidation or registration - electronic signature available
TM31C Request for information about events relating to a UK trade mark - electronic signature available
TM31M Request for information about events relating to an international registration covering the UK - electronic signature available
TM31R Request for a Certified Copy - electronic signature available
TM33 Appointment or change of representative (for trade mark owners or holders) - electronic signature available
TM33P Appointment or change of representative (for opponents and cancellation applicants) - electronic signature available
TM35 Regulations governing the use of certification or collective marks - electronic signature available
TM36 Application to amend the regulations governing the use of certification or collective marks - electronic signature available
TM50 Application to record a licensee - electronic signature available
TM51 Application to remove or amend the recordal of a licence - electronic signature available
TM53 Request to proceed to evidence rounds - electronic signature available
TM55 Notice of appeal to the appointed person - electronic signature available
TM55P Notice of appeal to the appointed person - electronic signature available
TP1 Transfer of part of registered title(s)
TP1X Transfer of part of registered title(s) - Word Version
TP2 Transfer of part of registered title(s) under power of sale
TP2X Transfer of part of registered title(s) under power of sale - Word Version
TR1 Transfer of whole of registered title(s)
TR1X Transfer of whole of registered title(s) - Word Version
TR2 Transfer of whole of registered title(s) under power of sale
TR2X Transfer of whole of registered title(s) under power of sale - Word Version
TR4 Transfer of a charge or portfolio of charges
TR4X Transfer of a charge or portfolio of charges - Word Version
TR5 Transfer of portfolio of titles (whole or part)
TR5X Transfer of portfolio of titles (whole or part) - Word Version
T001 Explanatory leaflet - A short guide for users (First-tier Tribunal - General Regulator Chamber (Charity))
T002 References - Some questions and answers (First-tier Tribunal - General Regulator Chamber (Charity))
T003 Notice of appeal/Application for review (First-tier Tribunal General Regulatory Chamber (Charity))
T005 Application for permission to appeal to Upper Tribunal (First-tier Tribunal General Regulatory Chamber (Charity))
T006 Guidance notes on completing the First-tier Tribunal (Charity) Application for Permission to Appeal to the Upper Tribunal (Form T005)
T95 Guidance notes on applications for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal
T96 Application for permission to appeal to Upper Tribunal - First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber)
T97 Guide to completing the notice of appeal (General Regulatory Chamber)
T98 Notice of appeal (General Regulatory Chamber)
T110 Application to First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health) - electronic signature available
T111 Referral to First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health) - electronic signature available
T113 Case management and pre-hearing (Mental Health) - electronic signature available
T114 First-tier Tribunal Health, Education and Social Care Chamber (Mental health)
T116 Application to First-tier Tribunal Guardianship (Mental Health) - electronic signature available
T128 Options for your Tribunal Referral Hearing Community Patients - electronic signature available
T129 Your rights to legal representation and to see the tribunal doctor - electronic signature available
T144 Victim's representations to the Tribunal
T239 Authorise a representative - First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber - electronic signature available
T240 Notice of Appeal (First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)) - electronic signature available
T241 Notes for guidance on completing the Notice of Appeal form (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber)
T242 Explanatory leaflet - Making an appeal (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber)
T243 Explanatory leaflet - At your hearing (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber)
T244 Notes for guidance to accompany a decision from the First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber
T245 Application to Close Enquiry - First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber - electronic signature available
T246 Notes for guidance on completing the Application to Close Enquiry form (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber)
T247 First-tier Tribunal application for permission to appeal to Upper Tribunal (First-tier Tribunal Tax) - electronic signature available
T248 Notes for guidance on completing the First-tier Tribunal application for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber)
T249 Notes for guidance to accompany a decision from the First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber
T362 Absent Owner application form - electronic signature available
T371 Notice of reference - electronic signature available
T373 Response to a Notice of Reference - electronic signature available
T374 Notice of reference (Form BNO ref) - electronic signature available
T375 Response to a Notice of Reference BNO - electronic signature available
T379 Application under Section 84 of the Law of Property Act 1925 to discharge or modify a restrictive covenant
T381 Notice of objection to an application to discharge or modify a restrictive covenant - electronic signature available
T384 Application for Registration of a Light Obstruction Notice - electronic signature available
T385 Notice of appeal against a decision of a Valuation Tribunal - electronic signature available
T434 Expenses and allowances payable to parties and witnesses attending an Employment Tribunal
T439 Declaration from a party/witness who is self employed and claiming loss of earnings - electronic signature available
T440 I want to appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal
T443 Appellant's reply to cross appeal - Appeal from decision of Employment Tribunal (EAT Form 8)
T444 Notice of appeal from decision of Employment Tribunal (Rule 3 Form 1)
T445 Respondent's answer - Appeal from decision of employment tribunal/certification officer (Rule 6 Form 3) -electronic signature available
T449_FORM4B Applications under Regulation 33 of the European Public Limited-Liability Company Regulations 2004 or regulation 22 of the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 or regulation 20, 21 or 21A of the 1999 Regulations - electronic signature available
T450 Standard application for a Gender Recognition Certificate
T456_FORM5 Notice of appearance to Application to Employment Appeal Tribunal for Compensation for Exclusion or Expulsion from a Trade Union or for Compensation or an Order in respect of Unjustifiable Discipline - electronic signature available
T458_FORM6 Application to the Employment Appeal Tribunal Under section 33 of the 1996 Act for a Restriction of Proceedings Order - electronic signature available
T460 Application for a Rule 3(10) or Rule 6(16) hearing - electronic signature available
T461 Application for direction or order - electronic signature available
T481 Notes Guidance notes on completing a Judicial Review claim form (Upper Tribunal - Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
T540 Guidance on Rent Cases. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T541 Guidance on Service Charges, Administration Charges and other management matters. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T542 Guidance on Enfranchisement. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T543 Guidance on Housing Act 2004 Cases. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T544 Guidance on Park Homes and Sites Cases. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T545 Guidance on Recognition of Tenants’ Association. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T546 Guidance on Right to Buy cases. (First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property))
T547 Guidance to what costs fees and expenses may be recoverable in the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (Residential Property)
T609 Appeals from decisions made by the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) in Residential Property and Agricultural Land and Drainage cases
UN CB01 Continuation Page 1 Merging company details continuation page - UN CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving an unregistered company that has a principal place of business in the UK
UN CB01 Continuation Page 2 Details of meetings continuation page - UN CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving an unregistered company that has a principal place of business in the UK
UN CB01 Notice of a cross border merger involving an unregistered company that has a principal place of business in the UK
UN1 Application to enter a unilateral notice
UN1X Application to enter a unilateral notice - Word Version
UN2 Application to remove a unilateral notice
UN2X Application to remove a unilateral notice - Word Version
UN3 Application to be registered as beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice
UN3X Application to be registered as beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice - Word Version
UN4 Application for the cancellation of a unilateral notice by a person who is (or entitled to be) the registered proprietor
UN4X Application for the cancellation of a unilateral notice by a person who is (or entitled to be) the registered proprietor - Word Version
User Accounts Form for Setting Up Users
UT1 Application for upgrading of title
UT1X Application for upgrading of title - Word Version
VAMC(Scot) Notice of a Court Order in Respect of a Voluntary Arrangement or Moratorium
VAMC Notice of a court order in respect of a voluntary arrangement or moratorium (Rule 2.37)
VT01 Certified voluntary translation of an original document that is or has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies (Section 1106)
VW Application to Vary Warranty
WCT Application to withdraw a caution
WCTX Application to withdraw a caution - Word Version
WU01(Scot) Notice of Court Order in a Winding-Up
WU01 Notice of court order in a winding-up (Rule 7.22)
WU02(Scot) Notice of Order of Appointment of Provisional Liquidator in a Winding-Up by the Court
WU02 Notice of order of appointment of provisional liquidator in a winding-up by the court (Rule 7.35)
WU03(Scot) Notice of Termination of Appointment of Provisional Liquidator in a Winding-Up by the Court
WU03 Notice of termination of appointment of provisional liquidator in a winding-up by the court (Rule 7.39)
WU04 Notice of appointment of liquidator in a winding-up by the court (Rule 7.59)
WU07 Notice of progress report in a winding-up by the court (Rule 18.8)
WU13 Notice of order of court on appeal against Secretary of State’s decision in a winding up by the court (Rule 7.119(5))
WU14 Notice of order for removal of liquidator by court in a winding-up by the court (Rule 7.65)
WU15(Scot) Notice of Final Account Prior to Dissolution in a Winding-Up by the Court
WU15 Notice of final account prior to dissolution in a winding up by the court (Rule 7.71)
WU16(Scot) Notice of a Court Order for Early Dissolution in a Winding-Up by the Court
WU17(Scot) Notice of a Court Order to Defer Dissolution in a Winding-Up by the Court
WU18(Scot) Notice of a Court Order Staying or Sitting Proceedings in a Winding-Up by the Court
XSD Test This is a test of XSD generation

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